The messenger bent and scratched at his knee where the strapping chafed.
The messenger boy will run off his legs sooner or later.
MessengerView also implements the Messenger interface.
"Mrs. Sandoval," the messenger said, "the telegram says -".
To you; and which I discovered in the pocket-book of the messenger.
So the messenger went, and came and shewed David all that Joab had sent him for.
Similar to the real world, it is often the case that the messenger is not required.
The compiler interacts with the user through an implementation of the Messenger interface.
Serotonin is one of the messenger molecules that carry signals between nerve cells in the brain.
From the very beginning, the user interface has been abstracted through the Messenger interface.
This photo taken by the Messenger spacecraft and released in June shows Mercury's southern hemisphere.
One can only hope that the “Don’t shoot the messenger” adage is still popular in the international community.
Mr Terry's sin was to violate one of the basic commandments of celebrity: thou shalt not screw the messenger.
And charged the messenger, saying, When thou hast made an end of telling the matters of the war unto the king.
The space agency is hoping to get the first pictures back from the Messenger probe in orbit by the end of the month.
What we remember today is the story of the messenger who brought the good news to Athens, the capital of Greece.
It really helps me explain to people that it's not the test's fault, your design needs some more. (Don't shoot the messenger.)
The MESSENGER spacecraft is zeroing in on Venus for the most significant gravity assist maneuver of its long journey to Mercury.
The Messenger began its trip through the inner solar system six and a half years ago, and it entered orbit around Mercury on March 18.
The messenger himself was a very clever member of the police, who, in two words, informed Javert of what had taken place at Arras.
Nobody reported it, including local management, as they did not want to be the messenger with bad news, " MacDonald told Al Jazeera.
For the priest's lips should keep knowledge, and they should seek the law at his mouth: for he is the messenger of the LORD of hosts.
Flyby: on October 6, 2008, the Messenger probe successfully completed its second flyby of Mercury, sending reams of data back to Earth.
It implements the Messenger interface and forwards any messages it receives to all registered Messengers — sort of like multicasting AWT events.
But in the final analysis, it will be the message — not the messenger who conveys it or the language in which it is spoken — that matters more.
Then suddenly the Lord you are seeking will come to his temple; the messenger of the covenant, whom you desire, will come, " says the LORD Almighty.
Then suddenly the LORD you are seeking will come to his temple; the messenger of the covenant, whom you desire, will come, "says the LORD Almighty."
Then suddenly the LORD you are seeking will come to his temple; the messenger of the covenant, whom you desire, will come, "says the LORD Almighty."