The capacity restraint method as implemented in some software packages attempts to lessen this problem by smoothing the travel times and by averaging the flows over a set of the last iterations.
The elastic constants of stitched composites were calculated based on orientation averaging method.
In order to increase the measuring accuracy the sample averaging method must be introduced, so that a certain time of measurement is needed.
Method The improvement of coherent averaging method of Reducing respiratory Interference was discussed, and evaluation-fitting respiratory wave and filter of Chebyshev's polynomial as presented.
Experimental results show that the proposed approach outperforms the conventional coefficient combining method of weighted averaging.
In the case of equally spaced data, this method degenerates to the usual K-point sliding averaging.
The basic idea, the physical background of the method and the relationship between the method and the stochastic averaging method of energy envelope are expounded.
According to the giving wave spectrum, the coefficient of nonlinear wave filter is gotten by the method of stochastic averaging.
In this paper, the oil film force of finite journal bearing is obtained using averaging natural value method.
The equation of free vibration frequency of this system has been derived by Averaging Method of W. Ritz and a numerical example is given.
There are two kinds of methods to contract image by means of computer language, that is, the method to contract image by sampling and the method to contract image by averaging.
The method of Image averaging can improve the correct recognition rate of fault diagnosis effectively.
The principle of the averaging technique is described and two practical schemes are proposed for realizing this method.
In order to realize maximum use of vessel surge capacity and thereby tends to stabilize the whole plant, an averaging controller is designed by using the optimum method.
A fuzzy preprocessing method. that is. fuzzy sliding averaging. is Proposed to decrease the influence of random, an example shows the improvement of the forecasting neural network.
In chapter 3, the stochastic averaging method of energy envelope and stochastic optimal control strategy are introduced.
Compared with the pixel averaging method, the proposed scheme is more reliable and capable of adaptability.
Thus state averaging method is used to analyze the charging and discharging processes of the switching power supply.
The popular method that statistically averaging transdermal fluxes has large mean square deviation, because the time varying property of TDD and the individual difference of SC samples are ignored.
With the method of over sampling and averaging, the resolution and signal noise rate(SNR)can be raised without extra ADC.
An approximate theoretical framework suitable for inhomogeneities of arbitrary shape, called as domain averaging inclusion method, is advanced in the second chapter.
The basic principle of Implicit Sampling Averaging algorithm and method of time-delay determination is introduced aim at the present synthetic aperture radar (SAR) imaging methods.
The achievements of the dissertation are as follows: 1 Summarize the modeling methods of switching converters, and adopting state-averaging method to build the model of the system.
An improved median filtering based on a simple threshold is introduced by considering the difference in the noise disposal of the averaging method and the median filtering.
An improved median filtering based on a simple threshold is introduced by considering the difference in the noise disposal of the averaging method and the median filtering.