Both sides have called for Europe to play a bigger role in the Middle East peace process.
Despite all the goodwill in the world, the Middle East peace process remains as elusive and frustrating as ever.
The trouble is that the Middle East peace process is a very bad choice if you are looking for a quick shot at redemption.
Votes are being counted in Israel's general election, a poll which could have a crucial effect on the Middle East peace process.
Realization of peace between Syria and Israel and between Lebanon and Israel are important parts of the Middle East peace process.
As a permanent member of the Security Council, China would like to continue its constructive role in the Middle East peace process.
Like Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon, China also hopes that the year 2009 will be a year of harvest for the Middle East peace process.
He also thanked China for its support for and cooperation with Jordan on international affairs, particularly the Middle East peace process.
During the talks, the two sides also had an extensive exchange of views on the Middle East Peace Process, Afghanistan, Iraq, Iran and other issues.
They agreed China was playing an increasingly important role in maintaining regional peace and security by supporting the Middle East peace process.
He had been an ally of the United States, and a supporter of the Middle East peace process, and I had enjoyed a good personal relationship with him.
Syria is an important party of the Middle East peace process. China supports Syria and Israel to resolve their disputes through peaceful negotiations.
I suggest scientists and their faithful foes end this bickering over who's right and focus on more manageable disputes, like the Middle East peace process.
Secretary of State Hillary Clinton says the United States is focused on finding "as much common ground as possible" to push the Middle East peace process forward.
Abdullah II emphasized that Jordan attaches great importance to China's important role in the Middle East peace process and other international and regional affairs.
Since the Middle East peace process started, the question of building a Palestine state becomes the main contents in the Palestinian-Israeli peace talks throughout.
China, as permanent member of the Security Council, will continue to work to ease the regional tension and make its due efforts to promote the Middle East peace process.
The international meeting on the Middle East issue will be held in the US in November. What kind of role will China continue to play in promoting the Middle East peace process?
China also stands ready to work together with the international community to make joint efforts to promote the Middle East peace process and realize regional peace and stability.
That leaves room for dramatic gestures, from resuscitating the Middle East peace process which he has ignored for too long, to a deal with Iran (or, more dangerously, an attack on it).
The issue of the Palestinian refugees has moved from being primarily a humanitarian problem to a primarily political issue, dominating the Middle East peace process and, on occasion, world politics.
半个多世纪过去了,巴以双方在巴勒斯坦难民问题上的矛盾已经 使其成为阻滞巴以和解、中东和平的症结。
The problem of Palestinian refugees is one of the major difficulties in solving Palestinian issues, and also one of the problems to be solved through negotiations during the Middle East peace process.
If Lebanon were to blow up again, Israel and Syria could well step in once more, turning the current Middle East peace process into a slide back towards war.
If Lebanon were to blow up again, Israel and Syria could well step in once more, turning the current Middle East peace process into a slide back towards war.