When we consider the problem will imperceptibly in house paced up and down, so in order to make the mind clear, must Shiatsu foot.
These studies are impressive, but in reality, the benefits of boredom may be related to having time to clear your mind, be quiet, or daydream.
The best way to clear resentment and complacency from your mind is to be grateful for where you are right now.
In order to maximize effectiveness, this "in the zone" state may require you to exist solely in the present moment, taking instantaneous action while your mind is clear.
At one time or another, we all have, but you'll be much less likely to make this error once the model concept is clear in your mind.
Spiritual thinkers and philosophers from Eastern and Western traditions underscore the importance of rest and time away to clear the mind.
Reading this made me aware that I wasn't very clear in my own mind about the meaning of forgiveness.
Warren Buffett is pushing 80 and still going strong, but many of us mightn't have the luxury of good health or a clear mind in our later years.
Warren Buffett is pushing 80 and still going strong, but many of us mightn't have the luxury of good health or a clear mind in our later years.
巴菲特(Warren Buffett)年近80,精力仍然旺盛,但我们很多人在晚年时候难有健康的身体或清楚的头脑。
Do you mind backing off a bit, Sir, while we clear this wreck out of the way?
It also means that you clear your mind of any hate, resentment or anger toward the person that hurt or seemingly hurt you.
Furthermore, it is difficult to optimize the test script decomposition without a clear strategy in mind.
Instead of panicking and popping pills to keep anxiety at bay, try and relax so that your mind is clear enough for you to assess all the available options.
Now that your mind is clear, put the top down and take a road trip on the information superhighway.
The one and only way in which I have been able to clear this away is to turn my mind and thoughts to good and to God.
But my brother will never know what it feels like to have a mind that isn't an ocean whose depths are clear to the very bottom, but a bog in which I wander, lost and lonely.
With that in mind, and given the solution requirements already discussed, it should be clear that the Application Integration pattern was the best choice for our project.
Attention is the taking possession by the mind, in clear and vivid form, of one out of what seem several simultaneously possible objects or trains of thought.
It is about conditioning your mind to clear out the inefficient thoughts that race through your consciousness. And, over time you will focus on meaningful and useful thoughts.
Even if you do not believe in living your life by the list it is still a great way to clear your mind of unnecessary information and make sure that you do not forget any important tasks or dates.
Another important principle is that in the first case we don't mind having some duplicate code. If it's clear how to eliminate duplication, we do, but we are willing to wait for clarity.
Mr Wade has a clear mind and limpid prose style which guides the reader almost effortlessly through 200 years of intellectual history.
It means that you clear your subconscious mind of the hurt feelings.
If we investigate the problem, it becomes clear that whenever we start generating any negativity or impurity in the mind, we are bound to become unhappy.
What made this clear to me was having an idea I didn't want as the top one in my mind for two long stretches.
It works by training the mind to translate blurry images into clear ones, to compensate for the deterioration of the eyes which prevents us focusing on nearby objects.
But the irony was that Sid's advice didn't clear Mary at all - not in her husband's mind.
He then took out more loans to start a new-media and technology company, but he didn't have a clear market in mind; the company went belly up in 2006.
If you're arranging a conference call with people in other parts of the United States, be clear on the time zone you have in mind.
If you're arranging a conference call with people in other parts of the United States, be clear on the time zone you have in mind.