Figure 8 shows the results, with the diagram reduced to the minimum size.
The size of space of each plate is calculated by the minimum size of the hand.
In this case, 'size' is the minimum size by which you would like to expand the space.
The extend size is the minimum size by which a chunk in this space can be automatically extended.
The create size is the minimum size of a chunk that Informix can automatically create in that space.
Create size - This is the minimum size of a chunk that Informix can automatically create in that space.
For box turtles kept outdoors, the minimum size for one turtle is 3 feet long, 3 feet wide and 1 foot tall.
The maximum size of all structures corresponds to the minimum size of door openings of a standard administrative building.
For each entry in the storage pool, it is possible to configure the minimum size of a chunk that can be allocated from that entry.
The optimal size of resource is, therefore, defined as the minimum size of resource required to keep the project duration a minimum.
Regarded as the minimum size in US clothing, "size zero" now refers to those unbelievably skinny people (especially women), or trends associated with them.
The mechanism of rotating flow to separate water, solid contaminants from compressed air are analyzed, the minimum size of contaminants that could be separated is calculated.
The JVM heap size Settings are adjusted from a minimum to a maximum set of values until the optimal Settings are found.
您可以使用一组从最小到最大的值来调整J vm堆大小设置直到找到最佳设置。
We provide a sensible readable minimum width and a sensible maximum width to provide a limit on the size of images used in the design.
Start the minimum heap size of 512 MB and maximum heap size of 1024 MB for an MDM application server instance.
从MDM应用程序服务器实例的最小堆大小512MB和最大堆大小1024 MB开始。
You can modify the total size of the entry, the minimum chunk size, and the priority.
720p is the minimum usable installation video size; if you don't have component or DVI output working, use text.
This is the minimum screen size that Windows 8 will support so no application needs to work at a smaller resolution.
With WebSphere Application Server v4.0 and later, the thread pool defines minimum and maximum sizes which reflect the limits of the pool size.
The minimum allowed value is 4 MB. On Linux systems, the maximum pagepool size is half of the physical memory in the computer.
The minimum heap size, maximum heap size and nursery size all need to be specified (the nursery must be smaller than the minimum heap size).
Extend size - this the minimum allocation size by which a chunk in this space can be automatically extended.
The end result — customers have to manage at minimum 2 pages sizes if they want to use a uniform page size for their environment.
Adjust the heap size parameters that control the minimum and maximum heap size so that the Java heap runs around 50% utilized.
As mentioned above, the basic algorithm imposes a minimum chunk size that can be very wasteful for very small requests.
The default and minimum trace buffer sizes depend on the version of DB2, and the maximum trace buffer size depends on the platform.
However, if the total buffer size is too large, and there is not enough storage to allocate them, a minimum system buffer pool for each page size is allocated, and performance is sharply reduced.
However, if the total buffer size is too large, and there is not enough storage to allocate them, a minimum system buffer pool for each page size is allocated, and performance is sharply reduced.