She will represent England at the Miss World contest which will take place in Sanya, China next month.
MissBurbridge, who has spent her life in Thailand and speaks perfect Thai, faced this challenge from her countrymen when she was chosen to represent thenation at the Miss World contest in 1996.
Supporting nonprofit organizations that are working to make the world a better place isn't a Miss America contest.
Mei Yanling (see cover), a Liaoning native and a graduate student at the University of Sydney, won the Chinese final of the 58th Miss World contest in Guangzhou Thursday.
第58届世界小姐中国区总决赛,昨晚在广州落幕。 来自大连的悉尼大学研究生梅妍凌(见封面图)最终夺冠,赢得代表中国参加10月于乌克兰举行的世界小姐总决赛的殊荣。
Mei Yanling (see cover), a Liaoning native and a graduate student at the University of Sydney, won the Chinese final of the 58th Miss World contest in Guangzhou Thursday.
第58届世界小姐中国区总决赛,昨晚在广州落幕。 来自大连的悉尼大学研究生梅妍凌(见封面图)最终夺冠,赢得代表中国参加10月于乌克兰举行的世界小姐总决赛的殊荣。