The procurement contract for two ships of the Mistral-class is to be signed by year-end.
Suddenly he felt the fresh and sharp night air and he knew that the mistral was blowing.
Along the Rh? Ne Valley, occasional strong, cold, dry, north - to - northwesterly wind known as the mistral.
Burtsev also confirmed that Russia was planning to purchase one of the Mistral warships and to construct a further four warships under license.
"In November, the Mistral helicopter carrier will arrive on a visit to St. Petersburg, " the first deputy chief of the Navy general staff, Oleg Burtsev, told the news agency.
Putin said in an interview this week that a deal on the Mistral, which has been under negotiation for more than five months, is possible only if the vessel comes fully-equipped.
Two years later, Gabriela Mistral came to the United States where she served as a visiting professor in several colleges.
In 1904 Mistral won the Nobel Prize for Literature.
A mistral wind sent it south over a nearby motorway on one of the busiest travel days of the year as the French left for their summer holidays.
Russia is currently in talks with France on the purchase of two Mistral class helicopter carriers and the construction of two others under a French license.
The air defence system will be consisting of Giraffe AMB radars, command stations, communications equipment, air defence missile equipment, Mistral-missiles and training equipment.
In the end however, it was via the delicate art of poetry that Gabriela Mistral made her most indelible and substantive mark.
The first, Gabriela Mistral, won her Nobel Prize in 1945.
The experience in mistral valve replacement (MVR) for 334 patients is reported.
The vacuum cleaners MISTRAL 802 is powered by by-pass motors, carbon brush type, providing a rapid cooling of the motor in case of overheating.
MISTRAL 802吸尘系统是一个旁路电动马达,碳刷,当马达在过热的情况下迅速冷却。
The vacuum cleaners MISTRAL 802 is powered by by-pass motors, carbon brush type, providing a rapid cooling of the motor in case of overheating.
MISTRAL 802吸尘系统是一个旁路电动马达,碳刷,当马达在过热的情况下迅速冷却。