“The Moment of Truth, ” though, brings loved ones onstage to stir up hostility.
Suddenly, everyone finds themselves in the office, and at the moment of truth, at the same time.
But, at least at first, "the Moment of Truth" is hypnotic, and not just because the questions are so humiliating.
The fear only comes when you know you can't take action at the moment of truth and you expect yourself to do more.
With a strong physical and great technique on the field, he often plays an important part at the moment of truth.
Europe is fast approaching the moment of truth that will reveal whether it can solve the crisis or be consumed by it.
Here is the moment of truth, start the Systems Director server, it should take a few minutes to start the first time.
So the moment of truth will come only after the talks reach their inevitable impasse and Mr Obama tables a bridging proposal.
Now in Europe the moment of truth has arrived for drivers and teams who are going to show who is able to develop quickest," said Alonso.
This is a very special moment. We are only moments away from the moment of truth for many of these stars who are just now walking in.
The moment of truth is the time when you can wait no longer. You must take the test. You must make a decision. You must either succeed or fail.
"Here is the inscape, the Epiphany, the moment of truth. That stubborn spot has become an image of the agony of human life and death" (Madison Bell).
You may find that this silent language is much more fascinating than the actual conversation going on around you. Or the moment of truth in your lies.
I have often wondered how I would react if I saw a girl in the street being attacked by a gang of hooligans. For me, that would be the moment of truth.
This is a moment of truth. We must maintain the consistency and stability of our macroeconomic policies and take further forceful measures to boost our economic growth, consumption and demand.
A photographic image might look like actual reality, but gradations of truth are measured in the circumstances that led up to the moment the picture was taken.
It is a moment of truth and my people are waiting to hear the answer of the world.
They hope in time to make the non-existence of appearance appear, for in that moment what we now take to be existence will be seen to be in truth only an outlying portion of the diabolic essence.
Truth be told, though, my favorite woman in uniform is whatever woman basketball player happens to be in front of me at the moment.
Photography is capable of “freezing” the moment and showing us the truth about many things on Earth, including shadows.
With rating agencies preparing to downgrade them to levels that could destroy their business, and regulators pushing for bail-outs or break-ups, the monolines' moment of truth has arrived.
Those who fight against the truth are fighting a losing battle. Use every opportunity, in every moment, to put yourself on the side of truth.
Those who fight against the truth are fighting a losing battle. Use every opportunity, in every moment, to put yourself on the side of truth.