In a country that idealizes the good life, the reality of drudgery and waiting for the monthly pay check, or of solitude in retirement, may be harder to accept.
They received a notice threatening them with eviction if they did not immediately pay the back monthly rent of $1, 025.
Instead of buying computers and software, many want "cloud-computing" services in which they pay monthly fees to companies that run the software for them.
That would give people fewer reasons to pay for expensive monthly cable and satellite services, which would in turn hurt the content companies.
Give them the amount in their monthly budget, and allow them to pay the bill each month.
The current set of five are rack mounted in a co-location data centre, where I pay a monthly fee for space, electricity and bandwidth.
Confusingly, the annual tax return does not supersede an existing monthly requirement to report and pay tax on non-taxed income if total earnings exceed a certain threshold.
When you buy a house, you borrow the money and you pay it back in fixed — it would usually be monthly, but let's say annual payments.
It is how much money you pay to your lender to be allowed to borrow the money. It is added to your monthly payments.
From a personal standpoint I would be willing to pay a small monthly fee for unlimited download access and the ability to continue using BitTorrent websites - as I prefer that method of downloading.
A few weeks ago, the work appeared to pay off: traffic took off, growing to nearly five million monthly users.
Casey says that monthly pay in some factories he owns is several hundred RMB more than the local average.
On average, FiOS customers pay a monthly bill of $135, about twice the bill for the average Verizon customer.
You pay for each show. While that is not ideal, if Apple can get the best shows and movies, it could still end up being cheaper than a monthly cable bill.
He forced all the ministers to pay homage to the monument monthly!
It first navigates the user to the login page and then advances to the payroll system, which displays monthly pay slips.
The 15 "recommended goods" have photos and resumes with their "starting prices", viz. their expected monthly pay, ranging from RMB2000-3000.
这15件“商品”均有照片和简历,而拍卖价格则是他们所期望的月薪,标价2000- 3000元不等。
Mandate that monthly statements clearly show how long it would take to pay down your balance by paying the minimum.
In one of the simplest scenarios, the parents buy and keep an apartment in their name and agree to pay the monthly carrying costs, and the child lives there as a family member, not a renter.
And several people claiming to be Foxconn workers posted their pay stubs online showing that their overtime hours exceeded the legal monthly limit.
Devices are grouped into packages containing different carriers and handsets from around the world; customers choose which packages they want and pay a monthly bill for hours used.
When that debt is gone, do not alter the monthly amount used to pay debts, but throw all you can at the debt with the next-lowest balance.
When home owners pay their monthly payments, these are collected by the servicing agent and passed through to investors as interest payments on their bonds.
Instead of yoking customers to monthly payments, it allows them to pay for half of the computer by buying minutes of Internet access as and when they can afford them.
Credit card companies make a profit from the fees they charge the store and also from the fees collected from customers who pay for their charges in monthly installments.
The report attributes the willingness to pay a monthly subscription fee to higher electric bills.
GPS is available on three 3g iPad models, but buyers will pay more for the device and for monthly data service fees.
Many of the pre-loaded programs turned out to be trial versions and required users to pay a monthly fee to keep them going.
Many of the pre-loaded programs turned out to be trial versions and required users to pay a monthly fee to keep them going.