I didn't want to live the rest of my life with this extra weight any more.
A big part of why I started traveling was to find out more about other people and how they live and how they see the world.
However, the more I focus on developing myself - wanting to live a simpler and more enjoyable life - I'm now finding that I look for what there is to be grateful for.
Puritan ghosts still whisper their warnings against profligacy in my part of the world, and I certainly hope that more Americans live within their means.
Using WideNoise I discovered that I live in a "sleeping cat" area -- although it felt more like a "rock concert area" last Friday about 2am when the neighbour had his mates around!
通过WideNoise,我发现自己位于“睡猫(sleeping cat)”区域,但上周五两点的时候邻居家来了一群朋友,所以当时更像是在“摇滚音乐会(rock concert)”区域!
And even more importantly, is there anything we can do to make the real world we live in more like those fictional places? I decided that there definitely is, and here's what I came up with.
How I wish we could once more live in the comfort of the clay homes in Haran.
I live in the San Francisco Bay Area, which hosts more events then I could possibly attend.
In a way, I wish everyone from more developed countries could have the chance to visit Latin America and live with the people of the poor pueblos.
When we die, no matter how we've lived our lives individually, we all continue to exist and live as the individuals we are - and much more. I know this without a doubt.
By the end of the two-year trip, Marcia and I knew what we wanted to do: retire and live a simpler life that included much more travel and greater opportunities to immerse ourselves in other cultures.
I'm not saying you can't do this without a camera, I'm just saying that this has been a great tool for me in realizing more of a wonder and appreciation for the world I live in.
If I were to live my life over again, I would pay more attention to the cultivation of the memory.
I guarantee you that following these principles will not only make you feel more alive today, but will lead you to the life you were born to live.
More than two thirds of the nation want to see the launch of Chang’e I, China’s first lunar orbiter live on TV, according to a survey.
I was scared of changing direction, scared of challenging what I had been taught to desire in life, and even more terrified by the idea of actually getting to live the life I dreamed about.
Today, more than ever, I know that this is my moment, and that, just as the master Gandhi says it, I have the strength to live a life filled with love, peace, and truth.
I hung in there, enjoying his friendship and affections, holding out hope that some day, they'd turn into more-wondering if I could live without the sparks and settle for friendship.
I have always believed that the man who has begun to live more seriously within begins to live more simply without.
You should pay more attention to the rainforest where I live and appreciate how the animals live together.
This is a rare case of Groovy violating the Rule of Least Surprise, but because getting elements out of a map is far more common than using reflection, it is an exception that I can live with.
这是Groovy比较罕见的打破 “最少意外原则” 的情况,但是由于从map获取元素要比使用反射更加常见,因此我可以接受这一例外。
Or, , more generally, we'll worry about how should the fact that I'm going to die affect the way I live?
I have always believe that the man who has begun to live more seriously within begins to live more simply without.
I have always believed that the man who has begun to live more seriously within begins to live more simply without.
I have always believed that the man who has begun to live more seriously within begins to live more simply without.