Science is exactly what we need more of when it comes to GM foods, which is why I was happy to see Nature devote a special series of articles to the GM food controversy.
Jeff Bezos, Amazon's boss, says that "If I see more than two pizzas for lunch, the team is too big".
Perhaps I may be able once more to see the round red sun before he entirely disappears.
As I went up to him, I could see that the closer I got, the more joy in his eyes I could see.
I was certain that everyone would see me as nothing more than "the short girl".
Walking around the park would take more time, and it was raining so hard that I couldn't even see clearly what was right before me.
In this chapter, I would prefer to see more of the typical challenges, the reasons for failure, and some proposed solutions.
Look round the room and see if there's anything more I can sell or pawn.
But I was more than a little dismayed to see the headlines trumpeting coffee to prevent or TREAT your depression.
JODY LEWEN: "But once I started doing the work and got more deeply involved, I also began to see the potential the program had."
I would enjoy these last receptions more and the chance to see so many people who Shared our time in Washington.
"Now that I see what the outside world is like, my only regret is that I didn't have more fun in college," Mr. Yuan said.
I might also try different input parameters and also more science data and retrain the model to see if I can improve the results.
Surprised as I was to see his overstuffed duffle, I was even more surprised to see pockmarked Toby step through the open window after his brother, an identical duffle slung over his shoulder.
As you can see, I just made the example more robust with minimal impact on the actual business code.
At the same time I can't understand why more people out there don't see a therapist.
If I see the house somewhere in the country, the dream is more long-drawn-out, or I remember its details better.
When I walk down the street, I see more and more people looking down... at their PDA.
I like sitting by the brook; I can hear the birds more clearly and see the leaves flutter.
It is even more disturbing than the Danish soldier, I think, because I can see his face.
The huge benefit I see with menu planning is the money I save, because I buy what I need, no more and no less, and therefore don't waste food, or pick up items I don't need.
"I am more cautiously optimistic as an analyst because I think on the one hand I see this, and I am pleased and proud about it," he explained.
沃尔特斯说 : “做为一个分析人士,我是谨慎的乐观,因为,一方面我看到了现在的情况,我感到高兴和骄傲。
During the five or six other announcements, I found myself waiting for more theatrics-i wanted to see Gates dance again-but it appeared the show really was over.
I mean that I smile at strangers, I pay attention to the little things, I notice more sunsets and blue skies, I hear the birds chirping more clearly, I see old paint chipping away as beauty.
As far as the recession is concerned, I see a renewed interest in the Great Depression, more generally toward looking back in history and considering other periods of disasters.
It is that more and more, on the streets and on the train, I see people wearing ID tags.
Then, shaking his head, he said something much more damning: “I can’t see it, ” the Silicon Valley marine said.
Then, shaking his head, he said something much more damning: “I can’t see it, ” the Silicon Valley marine said.