If you wear socks with your shoes, change into a new pair of warm socks when you reach your office in the morning.
On a hazy October morning, after months of chemotherapy, my mother and I drove down to New York-Presbyterian Hospital in the near-dark, listening to traffic reports like all the other commuters.
Every morning, as I awoke, I somehow felt the day coming to me like a new gilt-edged letter, with some unheard-of news awaiting me on the opening of the envelope.
Red hot TV and movie site Hulu has added a major new feature this morning on the one year anniversary of the site.
Never stop learning; tackle a new language, do puzzles and games to keep your mind sharp and for ghoul's sake read challenging and thought-provoking books instead of the sports page every morning.
A new book, Sarah from Alaska, details how the then state governor fought tooth and nail to introduce Sen McCain on stage in his home town of Phoenix, Arizona, in the early hours of the morning.
The Shanghai Morning Post dubbed the 47-year-old as the city's new 'Land King,' picturing him wearing traditional Mandarin clothing and sporting a wisp of chin hair.
Thousands of New Agers and neo-pagans danced and whooped in delight Monday as a bright early morning sun rose above the ancient stone circle Stonehenge, marking the summer solstice.
There has been a particularly high level of applications over the past 24 hours, with a record number of new dating profiles set up as millions of people woke up to heavy snow this morning.
A new secretary, arriving for her first day of work the next morning, discovered Mr.Li's body. "There was blood everywhere," Mr.Crawley remembered.The new secretary never came back.
Tomorrow morning, social media and marketing researcher Dan Zarrella is debuting a new way to see into the minds of Twitter users by analyzing their most recent 1,000 tweets.
明天一早,社会性媒体和营销研究者DanZarrella将发布一个Twitter工具,允许你通过分析t witter用户最近1000条tweets洞察用户内心世界的方法。
The New York Police Department (NYPD) issued a statement Monday morning saying it was increasing coverage of the city's subway system as a precaution "in response to the Moscow bombings."
Back in the late 1980s, tearing into a new pack of Upper Deck baseball CARDS rivaled opening presents on Christmas morning.
David Sirota is a best-selling author of the new book "Back to Our Future: how the 1980s Explain the World We Live in Now." he hosts the morning show on AM760 in Colorado.
大卫·瑟罗塔是畅销书《回到未来——看二十世纪八十年代如何解释我们生活的世界》一书的作者,他还主持一档科罗拉多的早间广播节目AM 760。
“You will just pop it into your eye in the morning and take it out at the end of the day, ” said Ian Pearson, a futurologist who advises companies on new technologies.
Qualcomm flew up to a new 52-week high of $54.51 Thursday morning, on the wings of the Nokia settlement and the 3G iPhone.
The good folks over at Mozilla Labs posted a screencast this morning of an experimental new way to log in to websites while using the Firefox browser.
At a press conference held at the Morgan Library in new York City this morning, Amazon announced a new version of its Kindle electronic reading device.
On its first day it handled 5,726 lots of Brent (each lot, or contract, is 1,000 barrels), over a third of the volume in the IPE's new morning electronic session.
It is morning, and 21-year-old Elly Jackson - or La Roux, arguably the biggest new pop star of the year - is on the Eurostar to Belgium, where she is heading to appear on a TV show.
While out one morning in the park, a jogger found a brand new tennis ball, and seeing nobody around, he slipped it into the pocket of his shorts.
The next morning when he came down to breakfast, he was beaming with the pleasure of a new, great discovery.
Believe that this night after crying, and the new morning. The sadness of living in the world is a lot of, but happiness too.
Nutritionists have gone back and forth about the question of how much to eat in the morning, but new studies suggest that consuming a good breakfast is a must.
In the countryside of Belgium, people often first visit their animals like cows, horses, pigs, sheep, dogs and cats, wish them a happy new year and feed them on New Year's Morning.
The day before New Year's eve morning, my father and I came to China merchants field sell fireworks, bought a lot of fireworks, we're blowing away joyfully music!
The day before New Year's eve morning, my father and I came to China merchants field sell fireworks, bought a lot of fireworks, we're blowing away joyfully music!