Unearthed in China, fossils of feathered dinosaurs offer the most dramatic evidence yet discovered of the close evolutionary relationship between dinosaurs and birds.
The most visible reminder of this close relationship is the famous Statue of Liberty, which stands in New York harbor.
Some foreign researches thought physical symptoms had close relationship with depressive affect, which was one of the most important factors.
The close relationship between the art of porcelain and ceramics and mankind shows that it is one of the most popular public arts.
Water and nitrogen are the most important two factors for crop production in agriculture practice. Continuously, people paid close attention to the relationship between two factors.
Exhibiting activities, in most cases, use the elements of plane design to negotiate and transmit information, so they have close relationship with the elements of plane design.
Pyrite is the most common metal mineral in gold deposits. It not only has a close relationship with the gold mineralization, but also is the main gold-carrier.
The optimization of the taxation system involves many complicated factors and fluidness is one of the most important factors. There lies close relationship between them.
The utilization of land reflects the most direct and close relationship between human beings and the nature's mutual influence and interaction.
Between friends, one should care for and encourage the other when he is ill or in trouble. This kind of love makes the relationship between people close. In the society, it is the most necessary love.
Nitrogen is one of the most important nutrients, known as the life element, it has the close relationship with crop yield and quality.
The oral lichen planus is one of the most common disease of oral mucosa. The relationship between the trend of cancerization in OLP and the expression of CyclinD1 is extremely close.
Some foreign researches thought physical symptoms had close relationship with depressive affect, which was one of the most important factors.
At present, enterprise loan is one of the most important loan in commercial bank, and it is a very close relationship with the profit margin of commercial bank.
In most mythologies, the phoenix is associated with the rising of the sun and has a close relationship with the sun-god Ra.
In most mythologies, the phoenix is associated with the rising of the sun and has a close relationship with the sun-god Ra.