However one of the most advanced countries, with the best people, the most sophisticated equipment... actually can do naught to the flighting man.
If all it took to succeed in the markets were the most sophisticated equipment and software, then those with that equipment would make the most money.
Early detection saves lives. But the most common way to diagnose TB, visually checking sputum samples for the microbe that causes the disease, requires sophisticated equipment and trained personnel.
But the most common way to diagnose TB, visually checking sputum samples for the microbe that causes the disease, requires sophisticated equipment and trained personnel.
Shenzhen Shi Ding Ding Technology Co., Ltd. established in 2001, since 1998 has the largest, most sophisticated micro-hole equipment and technical capacity.
In a global environment where security is increasingly recognized as a top priority issue, the advantage often goes to those with the most sophisticated systems and equipment.
Our goal: commitment to walking in the most sophisticated printing equipment brands. Credibility is our strategy; leader. It is our professional approach. Our aim: 'quality first.
UNDP officials say the most sophisticated thing they provided was crop-forecasting equipment.
UNDP officials say the most sophisticated thing they provided was crop-forecasting equipment.