Form this we know, the mother tongue education shoulders the mission of inherits the natural culture naturally.
A review of the curriculum features indicates that the mother tongue education in ancient China has gone through poem-focused curriculum and prose-concentrated curriculum.
I feel good about the level of education in general, but want my kids to also maintain their mother tongue of English.
Mother tongue is, in no way, always the natural means of thinking and communication or of expressing oneself, therefore, mother tongue education should not be mechanically and simply emphasized.
We encourage teaching in the mother tongue, which facilitates the fight against illiteracy and contributes to the quality of education.
This simple idea is the "mother-tongue teaching, " the beginning of a change in the world to develop music education and other teaching methods.
The most basic primary school English as a foreign language education, with special teaching object - is in the primary stages of learning their mother tongue.
In order to solve this problem, we should adopt the policy of bidialectism. This paper also discusses the problems of the position of foreign language education and mother tongue education, …
Oversea Huayu (Chinese) teaching is not equal to teaching Chinese as a foreign language, and also different with the Chinese education as a mother tongue.
Oversea Huayu (Chinese) teaching is not equal to teaching Chinese as a foreign language, and also different with the Chinese education as a mother tongue.