DB2 9 is the first IBM implementation of a "hybrid" or multi-structured database management system.
DB 2 viper版是IBM的第一个“混合型”(即多结构)数据库管理系统实现。
Relying on database and geographic data engine discusses and designs the organization and management of multi-source data in digital map publishing system.
The paper introduces the type test computation system for small and medium asynchronous motor by using object oriented technology, multi text window, database management technology and VB language.
Multi-Agent System(MAS) technology was applied to realize integration of regional manufacturing resources and to construct the corresponding Database Management System(DBMS).
The system is distributed, cross-platform and supports multi-database, in the meantime it can integrate with other systems, so it can support process automation and management.
Integrated permit system to support multiple sites with the same account database, multi-station simultaneous log out, the user experience better, help site management and operations.
Integrated permit system to support multiple sites with the same account database, multi-station simultaneous log out, the user experience better, help site management and operations.