When the patented invention of plaintiff is a creation of method, the confirmation on the methods accused can be showed as those of the name of product made base on the methods accused.
For example, a report of product information may, by default, be sorted by product name, but the user may want to view the data sorted by delivery date.
If all we do is let people know the name of our product. Our competitor can follow up with specifics and we will be dead.
This is one of the most basic principles of security: Never use a product name as a password.
Still, it’s not too shabby for a couple of people who churned out an accidental product in the name of love—for the Web, that is.
In this example, an English, French, German, and Italian version of the name is provided when adding the product.
Once the collection is started, you will be asked to provide input to several questions, such as the name of the data collection ZIP file, and other product specific information.
Any time you're making an online purchase, search online for "coupon code" plus the name of the product or store.
One can infer that a new name marks the beginning of a new product, but it's not explicit in the markup.
As the allocation to an existing brand name enables a quick transfer of the product values and contents to the client, co-branded hotels e.g.
If (and when) the product name gets changed, you only need to update the entity declaration instead of having to search and replace through all of your files (see Listing 9).
Don't be confused by the lowercase 'I's in front of this product's name; this isn't an Apple product!
不要被这款产品名字idect iHome前面的小写“i”给迷惑了,这不是苹果的产品!
For example, searching for the name of a product with the stemmed form of the term "disappointing" in the "message" element of its comment can be expressed as follows.
WAS Overview provides a summary of the WebSphere application server runtime, including product and version, server name, node, cell, and the status of the deployed applications.
WAS Overview提供一个WebSphereApplicationServer运行时摘要,包括产品和版本、服务器名称、节点、单元以及已部署应用程序的状态。
Thus, the company has dropped its original name in favor of taking up the name it gave to its product, one that more quickly communicates what the startup is all about.
While the product name has changed, the general concepts and techniques for customizing this type of pattern remain pretty well intact.
For text data such as name, address, and product descriptions, a review of the varying data formats is critical to identify fields containing multiple domains.
The continuity of the brand name helps to disguise the fact that the product itself has been through several life cycles.
Kiovig, or Gammagard as it is known in the US, is the brand name of an immunotherapy product already used for the treatment of a variety of immune disorders.
The name of the product is due to the fact that its ingredients were manufactured and bought in the Makassar port in Indonesia.
When a product name changes, do you show the name of the product when it was sold or the new product name?
You should always compare the generic brand’s list of ingredients to a name brand product just to make sure everything matches up.
You should always compare the generic brand's list of ingredients to a name brand product just to make sure everything matches up.
Even if you don't know the name Tencent, you've probably heard of its core IM product QQ.
The description of a product is shown in a popup display when the user moves the mouse pointer over the product name.
This is the result of the JAX-RPC behavior: JAX-RPC will make the domain name part of the URI to generate the package name for the serializable product class.
这是JAX -RPC行为的结果:JAX - RPC将使用URI的域名部分来生成可序列化产品类的包名。
Sian Horner, a spokeswoman for Asda, said the supermarket was considering either covering the packaging or changing the name of the product to stop the laughter.
Asda的女新闻发言人,Sian Horner说超市一直在考虑要么遮住包装要么更改产品的名称以停止取笑。
For example, when searching for product a user can enter the following information: product name, product code, product id and also the corresponding type of search (LIKE or EQUALS).
Copy the files to the migrate directory, compile and run it, passing the name of each product XML file as an argument.
Copy the files to the migrate directory, compile and run it, passing the name of each product XML file as an argument.