If want to earn price difference from inside interest rate wave motion, can buy the national debt that commercial bank bar trades or exchange market national debt so.
The circulating market of national debt, which is also called secondary market, has a mutual relationship with first market.
The main object in the open-market operations in China at present is the bonds issued by the central bank, and in the future it should be national debt.
Although the Treasury yield curve in China, and its itself iscomplete and accurate, but this does not mean that China's current national debt market, is the effective market.
It builds up a stochastic volatility interest rate term structure model to describe the behavior of financial market repo rate of national debt in China.
In China the leading interest rate of financial market is official rate with the interest rate of national debt as a subordinate one.
In China the leading interest rate of financial market is official rate with the interest rate of national debt as a subordinate one.