"There is no need to rush," said Angela Raffle, a specialist in cervical cancer screening with the National Health Service in Britain.
Teachers also consistently report how ill-equipped they feel to meet pupils' mental health needs, and often cite a lack of training, expertise and support from the National Health Service.
Why should this be, given that the National Health Service (NHS) provides free care to all?
In Britain this week David Cameron announced yet another reorganisation of the National Health Service.
The National Health Service was at or close to the top of public concerns in the past three elections.
That all eight suspects were employed by the National Health Service (NHS) has provoked an especial frisson.
YOU could be forgiven for thinking the proposed overhaul of the National Health Service (NHS) a mere bagatelle.
Free supplies courtesy of the National Health Service await a formal finding that the medicine is cost-effective.
The National Health service provides for every resident, regardless of income, a full range of medical services.
I am British, I live in Cambridge, England, and the National Health Service has taken great care of me for over 40 years.
After pouring billions into the National Health Service, British people moan about dirty hospitals, long waits and wasted money.
Not all agree, but in a country where the National Health Service accounts for almost a fifth of public spending, it is worth considering.
All resources are pooled in a single authority, such as the National Health Insurance in Canada or the National Health Service in the United Kingdom.
A refreshingly different perspective is provided by Sir John Oldham, a British doctor who is clinical lead for productivity in the National Health Service.
Even though the advances in this healthcare are staggering, not everyone is happy that the National health Service is blowing money on the controversial surgery.
The National health Service is buckling under pressures, but it is not close to collapse; try living in a country like America, where 46m people have no health insurance.
Standing by his pledge to preserve the National Health Service from spending cuts, Mr Cameron told the BBC that this might sound a surprising policy from "a Conservative Party".
Through ISO9001: 2000 quality management system certification enterprises, the State Quality and Technical Supervision and Inspection Center, the National Health Service test qualified.
Barack Obama's budget increases regular funding for schemes such as the National Health Service Corps, which helps people through medical school if they pledge to practise in underserved areas.
For example, in the UK, the virus left the country's National Health Service in a mess.
A public health laboratory diagnostic service was established at the National Institute of Hygiene and Epidemiology and training courses were conducted for clinicians and microbiologists.
Find a credible source you can trust such as your governor's office, local or state public health agencies or the National Weather Service.
But he prefers to supplement the private system rather than replace it with a "single-payer" national health service; many of his supporters are business people crushed by the cost of health care.
But he prefers to supplement the private system rather than replace it with a "single-payer" national health service; many of his supporters are business people crushed by the cost of health care.