Death is the natural state of things, and life is a distortion of the natural order.
Second, the lyric line is not the natural state lines, but a technique of the lines.
Such damages are harmful to the environment as well as the natural state and female intuition of women.
Let's dismantle what it means to feel wronged so you can reclaim the natural state of peace, ease, and freedom.
Guzman is more of a purist. "To me, nothing is more wonderful than the natural state of a Mexican avocado," she said.
Here is the natural state of well preserved, thanks to the artificial construction where little to maintain a natural state.
The structure can effectively provide air for the roots of the orchids without destroying the natural state of the orchid pot.
The utility model makes the plant grow in a nearly natural state, and react truly the plant growing state in the natural state.
The trellis diagram of the natural state realization of the group code and the path through the trellis diagram of the group code are constructed.
The natural state of grassland animal husbandry, the current situation of resources and the productivity level in Qinghai Province were introduced.
In the natural state, there are some rules which are the natural law, in a where people enjoy the natural rights under the guidance of the natural law.
By using L_9 (34) orthogonal experimental design method, the cementation reaction of three kinds of solid wastes in the natural state were investigated.
We actually live in a vast network of relationships in which all are interdependent with one another. This is in accordance with the natural state of being.
我们其实是生活在一个广大的关系网络中, 在其中我们彼此都是互相依存的,这也是符合我们存在的自然状态的。
Country established which through the social contract, causes the human obtain the freedom and the equal talent right which "the natural state" center loses.
Professor Dunn believes we should convince our bodies they are still in the natural state of our ancestors: roaming bug-infested forests and living in unsanitary hovels.
The preparation method can recover the natural state of the original chemical composition environment in the farmland, lead the crops to grow normally and improve the yield.
The natural state is being infinite, but we superimpose over that all these ideas of limitation, of needs, attachments and aversions that block out this infinite joy that is natural.
The rabies virus glycoprotein (GP) can assume at least three different conformational states: the natural state (n), the activated (a) hydrophobic state and the fusion-inactive (I) state.
To limit the number of telescopes on Mauna Kea, old ones will be removed at the end of their lifetimes and their sites returned to a natural state.
In her natural state, the actor weighed 105 pounds.
Naturalness refers to a natural state of being, an attitude of following the way of nature.
Since you do need to reformat each text block type differently to produce the correct HTML output, a state machine seems like a natural solution.
Creating a hybrid in Florida is a "compromise," Parker says, that restores the ecosystem to something like its natural state.
The Natural Capital Project, based at Stanford University, is refining software to allow fine-scale analyses, and Tanzania, the state of Hawaii and others are already using the software.
He said that since Israel is being asked to recognize a Palestinian state, it is, in his words, proper and natural that the other side recognize Israel as a Jewish state.
In exploiting natural resources and building enterprises in the national autonomous areas, the state shall give due consideration to the interests of those areas.
In exploiting natural resources and building enterprises in the national autonomous areas, the state shall give due consideration to the interests of those areas.