Of course, in the hydraulic control system of the various electromagnetic valve, and so is the need for power.
However, if the job to be filled is a managerial post in a large bureaucratic organisation, a candidate who las a high need for power and a low need for affiliation should be selected.
The need for more energy to power larger cities and economic growth therein leads to the construction of dams, the consequent flooding of ecosystems, and increased emissions of pollutants.
For we need never return to the abuses, ignorance, and shallow Suggestions of those who -knowing nothing of its power -belittle the craft.
To transmit the power for the solar farm we would need to build new high-voltage direct current transmission to replace our ac current grid.
With growing global energy needs and the threat of climate change, the demand for nuclear power is expanding, and we do need to continue to facilitate the legitimate peaceful use of nuclear energy.
As people come to rely more heavily on the web for everything from shopping to social networking, they need access to computing power in many more places.
The mine would also need at least 50 megawatts of power—but even nearby Kabul has only a single 19-megawatt generator, able to power the city for four hours every other day.
Indeed, it is the power of such relationships which has left Global Hand passionate about the need for more partnerships in a needy world.
And the big solar systems wouldn't displace the need for rooftop power; the researchers estimate a need for 1.7 billion 3-kilowatt solar PV systems as well.
Because this is a measure of energy used, not power (which our 200w value is), we need to specify the units for this value to make sure everything is right.
By doing so, the operator can free up power across the datacenter for servers that really need the power.
A paper by the Brussels-based think-tank Bruegel adds the need for a euro-zone finance ministry, with power to raise its own taxes and to oversee the banking system.
They need to be replaced, or the American public has to find another source for 20 percent of its power.
Optimized performance - the power of applications developed for the federated system to achieve strong performance without the need to implement special strategies to evaluate the queries.
One reason for the expense of wave power is the need to make the equipment impervious to storm damage and corrosion.
Induction loops are also used to power hearing-aid implants without the need for troublesome wires.
We would need new long-distance power transmission but the technology for providing this is advancing fast, and the countries of North Africa would get a valuable new source of income.
There, they could store excess power from renewables and help smooth small fluctuations in power, making the grid more efficient and reducing the need for backup fossil-fuel plants.
As these countries undergo rapid urbanisation, they will also need to boost their power generation capacity in order to meet the increased demand for electricity.
Plans for electric cars may sound attractive, but you still need the clean energy to power them.
To prepare for the power fluctuations endemic to renewable energy, we'll need to inventory excess power to use during cloudy, windless afternoons and nights.
With 3-4 power naps through the day, I've found that I could, on occasion, drastically reduce my need for sleep.
One implication of the new design is that TV displays will soon need but one cable for both their electrical power and video signals.
As the population shrinks and a stronger yen swells companies' buying power for overseas acquisitions, the need for better international communication is growing in Japan.
When a kite needs to be reeled in, it is angled so that it falls out of the sky like a glider, without the need for much power.
To make your marriage last for a lifetime, you need to rely on God for the power and love and strength and wisdom and endurance you need.
As long as they are constantly supplied with fuel and oxidant, fuel cells can continuously produce power, removing the need for recharging.
By reducing the need for coal-fired power plants, China Longyuan also earns carbon credits under the Kyoto protocol on global warming. Selling these is lucrative.
By reducing the need for coal-fired power plants, China Longyuan also earns carbon credits under the Kyoto protocol on global warming. Selling these is lucrative.