The new boy took two broad coppers out of his pocket and held them out with derision.
The new boy resembled Draco as much as Albus resembled Harry.
If the new boy doesn't begin to shape up soon, he'll have to leave school.
'I suppose you're the new boy, 'said the voice through the keyhole. 'How old are you?'
The new boy had to get the short end of it because all the comfortable beds in the dormitory had been taken before he arrived.
He said: "Unusually when a 21-year-old player joins a squad composed of foreign players, they look at you like the new boy who wants to steal their place."
Soon after the young boy won the New York Championship, Makofsky began a GoFundMe activity for Tani and his family so that he could continued his chess journey.
在这个小男孩赢得纽约冠军后不久,马科夫斯基就开始为塔尼和他的家人举办 GoFundMe活动,这样他就可以继续他的国际象棋之旅了。
Heidi, who had given the boy most of her dinner, was already putting on Clara's new coat.
Thanks to the kind-hearted lady, the homeless boy has a new family.
He turned up at the hospital bearing gifts for the new mother Lindsey and her baby boy.
The 43-year-old New Yorker, though he looks like a fresh-faced boy, is well qualified.
"Oh," the disappointed boy, wanting ice cream and a new pet, said. "Can I kill it?".
“哦,”想着冰激凌和新宠物的男孩失望起来,“我能弄死它吗? ”?
Though he lived halfway across the world, he was a Queens boy with an unshakeable devotion to remnants of his New York boyhood and, thanks to his stint in Rome, top-end Italian food.
尽管他生活在地球的另一端,他是个皇后区的男孩,坚定不移的追逐儿时的梦想。 能与他相遇,要感谢他在罗马出差的机会,美味的意大利食物。
“Sleeping Boy” is one of many images in the exhibition that show how Kertész, using his camera as a sketch book, created a new visual language.
In his best, most famous movie, the magnificent Safety Last (1923), he plays an accident-prone small-town boy in New York.
他的作品中最最出名的当属1923年出演的《安全至上》。 在剧中他扮演了纽约市一座小镇上一位易惹事故的男孩。
For men married to or dating these new women, reclining in the Lazy-Boy Chair and watching sports when their girlfriends or wives are rebooting their lives ain't going to cut it anymore.
The boy was lively and talkative, his mother a New Zealander who'd married a South African.
How much a mother eats at the time of conception may influence whether she gives birth to a boy or a girl, a new report shows.
Together Che and Dial travel from New York, where the boy lives with his rich grandmother, across America, in search of his parents.
He suddenly remembered the 2 KFCs in the city, but the boy did not say which one. It happened that the boy went to the new one that had only been open for 2 days.
New York City: it's a cold day in December. A little boy about 10-year-old was standing before a shoe store on Broadway, barefooted, peering through the window, and shivering with cold.
Girls will opt for more sedentary games, and girls are more likely to accept a new classmate to their group, whereas a new boy will have to demonstrate his usefulness to the group.
The boy gets to play with a new toy and then talk about what he likes or doesn't like about it.
In this scenario, a dishonest delivery boy surreptitiously delivers new instructions for the office workers' manual that instruct personnel to hand over all the office's money when he requests it.
The boy would not have had the least trouble with these directions in his own village, but because the landscape in the new village was entirely unfamiliar, he became disoriented and confused.
My new public-school friends called me "poor boy," the kid who often didn't have enough money for lunch and had an AWOL father whose name my mother seldom mentioned.
Long ago, when the western part of the United States was still a wilderness, a young boy called Kit, not yet twenty years old, went from his home in the East to learn about the new country.
Failing to find work in New York City, the 17-year-old boy went on to Philadelphia where he found a job as a printer's apprentice and soon had a wide circle of friends.
I can do this, the 14-year-old Boy Scout thought, staring at the abandoned park building and imagining a gleaming new interior.
I can do this, the 14-year-old Boy Scout thought, staring at the abandoned park building and imagining a gleaming new interior.