One INSEAD insider says that the school is “rattled” by the latest rankings and by all the new competition.
The new competition mode and enterprises core force make it necessary for enterprises to take strategy league.
Those threatened by the new competition could bring omnibus bills before the Congress but could not secure their passage.
The new competition from Southeast Asian Manufacturers was a slap shot to our company's already declining profit margin.
So, in the new competition background, the sales channels construction of the telecom enterprises lias become a highly - valued task.
A single event was planed, however, as the new competition was organized for the next year, Morley decided to make this event an annual contest.
This thesis is mainly to describe how to lift up the Public Telephone Services by changing marketing stratagem under the new competition environment.
With severe electricity shortage in 2002-2005, the new formed-groups built power plants to obtain an advantageous position under the new competition.
伴随2002 ~ 2005年严重的电力短缺,各新组建的发电集团兴建电厂,力图在新的竞争格局下取得有利地位。
For Barnes & Noble, long the largest and most powerful bookstore chain in the country, the new competition has led to declining profits and store traffic.
The new competition will support continued funding for some existing programs and enable additional institutions to expand their graduate training programs.
Under the new competition environment, Chinese property insurance industry must evaluate and cultivate its core competence systematically to form the long-run advantages.
The new Competition Law is the third competition law in the South Africa, passed by the South Africa Congress in 1998 and on January 1st 1999, it came into formal effective.
We believe that with the advent of the new competition age, advertisements, as an artistic science, will more voluntarily obey and support the public rights and freedom of media.
Therefore, under the new competition situation, how hired the right human, choosing a person for a job, to nurture the human, impatiently to keep the human also on to propose company's program.
At present we believe strengthens based on the customer value marketing management is the hospital establishes the long-term competitive advantage under the new competition pattern essential action.
The winner of this year's competition will be awarded a preview of the new fossil hall, as well as a cash prize.
The winner of this year's competition will be awarded a preview of the new fossil hall, as well as a cash prise.
The price variable, once perceived as the dominant aspect of the process, is now subordinate to the competition of the new product, the new business structure, and the new technology.
Yesterday, RioZoo launched a competition on Twitter to find the paramilitary boa constrictor a new name.
昨天,RioZoo在Twitter 上发起了为这条准军事化南美巨蟒的争名竞赛。
The competition for that new job or promotion is intense and other applicants have similar skills and experience to you.
In the face of new competition, they are feeling pressure to maintain high service levels with current customers.
The new study suggests that competition for rank may have been a key factor in the evolution of this intelligence.
It replaces old forms of subjugation with new ones - the tyranny of competition, of competence, of drive and ambition, of education.
There are new signs of competition for the top job in Russia between Mr Medvedev and Mr Putin (see article).
But competition is fierce and many of the new carriers are making losses.
This year an IMF study concluded that although such firms were as dominant as ever and the number of new entrants had fallen, competition was still lively.
This year an IMF study concluded that although such firms were as dominant as ever and the number of new entrants had fallen, competition was still lively.