These were the unavoidable side effects of the public's gradual adjustment to the new economic environment.
Under the new economic environment, the bonded zone should adopt new operation model to gain new core competence.
To evaluate and analyze the process of adapting the accounting disclosure in China to the new economic environment.
The planning and prediction functions of management become more and more important under the new economic environment.
And it also has analyzed that word-of-mouth marketing compared to the traditional marketing has adapted more to in the new economic environment.
In the new economic environment, automobile parts company makes user of ERP system which provide powerful support for the business to join in the furious market competition.
China is shrugging off deflationary pressure and the country's policy-makers should create a better policy mix to cope with the new economic environment, some experts suggest.
Service-oriented architecture: Measuring SOA's ROI in the new economic environment provides a download of a PDF from IBM's Institute of Business Value (IBV) which provides SOA ROI calculations.
面向服务的架构:在新经济体环境下度量soa的ROI,这是IBM的业务价值学院发布的可供下载的PD F文件,其中包含了SOA ROI的计算方法。
Circulareconomy is a kind of new economic performance pattern, which is founded on the endless circulation and use of matter and its harmonious coexistence with resources and environment.
The new process significantly reduces the production cost, improve economic efficiency, while significantly reducing emissions of waste gas and waste residue to protect the environment.
Or failure of macroeconomic policy is a reality with the new changes in the economic environment?
Therefore, ABCM can adapt the objective demands of cost management by high and new economic technique environment perfectly.
The new wireless Internet value chain reflects new competitive forces and the emergence of new economic environment.
In new economic environment, how to use and manage effectively the intellectual capital is one of most important methods which create the competitive advantages in firms.
We can make out many challenges that the business enterprises run by private capital of our country is facing in the economic characteristic of the new economy period by environment analysis.
METHODS: The economic environment at home and abroad, situations and new trends in combination of capital in pharmaceutical enterprise of our country were analyzed.
The article discussed the new trends, new features, new ideas and new methods in hospital management under the knowledge economic environment.
Enterprise Accounting system has stronger adaptability to new economic environment because it gets rid of the disadvantages of the old system in terms of its contents and ways...
Though this tendency enlarged the salary gap, I do think "400 times" is positive, because American companies are advancing and getting well-prepared in a new economic environment.
Pursuing new environment aim and realizing new index, the enterprise environment behavior had been improved. Its environment benefit was obtained not only, but also economic benefit was done.
To perfect and strengthen at each time about the accounting system is the result of the comprehensive function between new economic environment and technology environment.
A new domestic animal, alpaca, has been introduced from outdoor. Its unique economic, social and environment effects lead to the extensive attention.
Under the new economic and technical environment, each country and area was positively pondering how to use the limited resources to create the biggest value.
The rapid changes in technology, demographics, business and the economy have propelled us into a new age where consumers now have the power to manipulate their economic environment like never before.
The three-star hotel in accordance with the standards of economic totally renovated, modern well-equipped environment elegant, comfortable, with car park, new services fully functional Hotels.
This paper discusses the role of pawnbroking in society economic life and cash circulation. The traditional operating idea and management thought does not suited to new changeful environment.
Under the environment of the economic integration, the flow of product factor is being enhanced, which results in new aggregation and diffusion.
This new subject will challenge the previous urban planning concept, energy consumption, ecological environment, economic benefits and the degree of suitable living conditions.
This new subject will challenge the previous urban planning concept, energy consumption, ecological environment, economic benefits and the degree of suitable living conditions.