The implement of the New Labor Contract Law provides the opportunities to university graduate as well as the challenge.
According to Sun, compared with the previous labor law, the new labor contract law has actually loosened terms set for contract dismissal.
I did not pay attention to the New Labor Contract law at that time. This law was passed on 29 June 2007 to become effective on 1 January 2008.
After carrying out the new Labor Contract Law, new requirements are put forward to personnel archive management of off -staff workers in medical units.
A top labor official has defended the new labor Contract law against claims it would will weaken enterprise vitality and raise the cost of law-abiding employers.
This study adopts an individual intertemporal optimal model to analyze the effects of the new Labor Contract Law on labor supply by calculating intertemporal elasticity of labor supply.
The promulgation of the new "Labor Contract Law" provides legal environment for the human resources management of enterprises.
New "Labor Contract Law" after the enactment of the enterprises facing human resources management system in transition.
Whether deal with the "Labor Contract Law, " the new requirements will determine the Human Resources Department and even the entire corporate enterprise's future and destiny.
Whether deal with the "Labor Contract Law, " the new requirements will determine the Human Resources Department and even the entire corporate enterprise's future and destiny.