But the problems for the News International team aren't over.
He is outside the News International organisation. The settlement was supposed to be confidential.
The Met, for its part, is undergoing as much upheaval as News International, which owned the now-defunct newspaper.
The editors point out, sales of magazine issues that prominently feature international news stories have declined significantly, and declining sales reflect declining reader interest.
Editors of major United States news magazines have been criticized for reducing the amount of space these magazines devote to international news.
The Beijing Asian Games was the first large international sports event to be hosted by China, China News Service reported.
These news broadcasting channels have today become the primary nerve of international communication and media.
However, coverage of an international news event, such as the protests currently unfolding in Egypt, fits into a slightly different category.
In response, News International rejected the allegations, accused the MPs of bias and said they had produced nothing new.
Secondly, the complicated contents of international news might be beyond the students' level of comprehension.
In the case of news International, Rupert Murdoch's British newspaper outfit, they got too close.
The News of the World editor has fallen on his sword over the royal phone hacking scandal, but the reporter guilty of the crime remains employed by News International.
The good news: The International energy Association believes that renewable energy will grow from 8% of total energy use in 2009 to 13% in 2035.
News International, the news Corp. subsidiary that runs the British newspapers, reached legal settlements with a number of phone-hacking victims, effectively buying their silence.
News International denies the claims.
Police said they had asked Brooks to attend on Friday, the day she quit News International.
The management and standards committee of News Corporation, the parent company of News International, confirmed it had "terminated the contract of a member of staff in relation to his previous work".
The case made international news as police searched for the blonde teen, and tips poured in from both psychics and the public.
As the name suggests, this is an international news channel located at Doha in Qatar.
Long pieces about foreign affairs are low on readers' priorities — the more so now that the Internet enables people to scan international news headlines in moments.
Executives at news International — the British arm of news Corp. that ran the newspaper — have argued that illegal activities were not widespread.
The Trinity Mirror papers, Associated Newspapers (publishers of the Daily Mail), and News International, which includes the London Times, were all but silent about the hacking story.
Murdoch's newspaper holdings span the globe, from the Australian to the Wall Street Journal and to his news International stable in London.
In his opening statement to the committee Coulson also said he was unaware the paper's publisher, News International, had reached an out-of-court settlement with Gordon Taylor.
Though it is a 24 hour news server in the United Kingdom, it has got the top most rating among all international news channels around the globe.
Though it is a 24 hour news server in the United Kingdom, it has got the top most rating among all international news channels around the globe.