After a relatively brief effort they declared themselves lean masters and looked for the next new thing.
I think you'll see [hardware makers] betting heavily on the next new thing and releasing NFC-enabled phones.
Ours is a difficult business – we're forever looking for the next new thing that isn't being done by a dozen other people.
She describes the mainstream media as suffering from attention deficit hyperactivity disorder - always looking for the next new thing and leaving yesterday's stories unfinished.
Apple, which has nearly created several markets in the last decade (iPod, iTunes, iPad), needs to keep its eye on the next new thing rather than surfing its current product line into a wipeout.
When they hear about a new social media craze they cringe in agony, desperately hoping it's a passing fad and not another new goddamn thing they'll be aimlessly paddling around in for the next decade.
The men were banging down the door for new assignments, promotions, the next thing to do, the next thing that stretches them.
They watch the next hot startup with jealousy and it reminds them of when they were that "shiny new thing" and they want that back.
As I mentioned in a previous blog post, the MQ work doesn't involve new features or any such thing - what it does is get our tools and processes ready to go for the next cycle.
The same thing happens when we learn something new. We’re always looking towards what we’ll know or be able to do in the future, instead of focusing on the next step right now.
Afterwards, you feel like you're on top of your game and ready to tackle the next thing - whether that's a weekend of relaxation or a new week of work.
In January, it was obvious that TV vendors saw 3dtv as "the next big thing" to keep people buying new TVs and to get early adopters to replace their newly-purchased flat panels with 3d models.
So beware the visionary who comes selling you a new research campus in the middle of nowhere;it might work out, but I wouldn't bet on it being the Next Big Thing.
So beware the visionary who comes selling you a new research campus in the middle of nowhere; it might work out, but I wouldn't bet on it being the Next Big Thing.
Most of us are so tuned into the next thing on our to-do list and the general crush of daily obligations that we shut down our antennae for new information, especially scary information.
The first thing that happens in this test is that you create a new User and store it in the suziq variable. Next, you mock out the User table, storing suziq as the only record.
此测试中发生的第一件事是,创建一个新User 并将其存储在suziq变量中,接下来,模拟User表,将 suziq 存储为唯一的记录。
Getting new things in the game feel very rewarding and satisfying to the player, so that you're driven to want to do better and buy the next thing.
Ok. Next thing is laying the corner-stone for the new plant at 10 AM. At 12 AM, back here for lunch.
The next thing I wanted to do was replace the railing with an new better one.
Sometimes, new recruits just worry about what happens in the next week, or in the next month. Or what happens to the thing they are personally working on.
Seeing every day new things which the state ought to do, the next thing is to see clearly how it ought to do them.
The next big thing is what we call the new network. It's fundamentally designed to solve the main problem of the industry, and has three elements.
Now for us – the next thing is to see how our supporters in China react to our new album!
现在我心里真再有火快录好我们的新专辑 – 我真想为了我们中国所有的支持者做好一个专辑…
Now for us – the next thing is to see how our supporters in China react to our new album!
现在我心里真再有火快录好我们的新专辑 – 我真想为了我们中国所有的支持者做好一个专辑…