That bit of history stuck like a character trait: all his life he seemed to miss the crucial promotion, the next step up a detective's career.
The next step is to perform experiments on real-life skull models, using titatium as the building-block.
Once you've clearly defined your product's core, the crucial next step is bringing it to life.
As Yao enters a new phase in his life, his 30's, fatherhood, returning to the NBA, and the next step in his career as manager, he shows the courage to make a difference in the world.
This will reenergize your goals and provide the necessary influences to bring about the next step in your life.
The next step was for him to focus his daily actions to create the life that he wanted so much.
The next step is to find extrasolar planets in the "habitable zone" of their solar systems; planets whose size, makeup and distance from their sun might allow life to develop.
Does this job add something to your personal toolkit that can help you get to the next step in your life even if you don't know what that might be yet?
His life is dedicated to the enlightenment of all beings and the Process of transformation that he offers to discover is the next step in the human evolution.
If you fix your eyes on a distant horizon, you are taking your eyes off the next step you must take along the Road to Life and you will stumble!
Without the stones of life being throw at you, you would have nothing to step on to get to the next level?
Without the stones of life being thrown at you, you would have nothing to step o to get to the next level.
Scientists say the next step, perhaps within the next year, is to identify those one or two genes and learn how they extend life.
Scientists say the next step, perhaps within the next year, is to identify those one or two genes and learn how they extend life.