We'll have to see what happens with the specifics on the Nomad as we continue to test.
There's always a bit of the nomad inside a Sagittarian, and that is a very lovable quality in you.
The nomadic tribes were forced to settle down, their children were taken from the nomad camps to orphanages.
Instead of only having 3 Spider Mines, the Nomad will be able to plant Spider Mines with the cost of 15 energy.
Christopher Waters, the owner, opened the Nomad Café in 2003, just as Wi-Fi “hotspots” were mushrooming all around town.
Even if you spend two or three months in one place, the imprint of the Nomad will be forever drawn at the bottom of your heart.
The Nomad got its mojo back in 1959 when it joined the Impala line and got a sleek redesign (below). Those batwing fins still look hot.
Possible activity in summer in the Grassland : You could play at the grassland, visit the nomad family, go into the tent to drink fresh yak milk, play with the Sheep, Yaks.
True understanding of that reality allows the nomad to prize loose small fissures and cracks in existence, and then slip through them to new locations in space, and even in time.
However, Ylath is still very popular among the nomad barbarian tribes that roam the vast territories stretching beyond the Empire, and in the federation of the Southern Free Cities.
Other famous pieces include Plum Blossoms in Three Movements, Wild Geese Landing on the Sandbank and Eighteen Songs of a Nomad Flute.
One of the best things for a nomad, who obviously doesn't fit into the general lifestyle of Western society, is meeting other nomads.
Just defining the term "nomad" is problematic in India.
Hishorrific wounds and demonic face all paint and fakery for the sake ofthe show, a performer belonging to the Bahurupi nomad communityprepares to entertain villagers in the state of Maharashtra.
在马哈拉施特拉邦的一个村子里, 巴呼卢比游牧部落的一位表演者为了演出需要而在身上画了让人觉得恐怖的伤痕,将脸化成魔鬼状。
The proper metaphor for somebody who carries portable but unwieldy and cumbersome infrastructure is that of an astronaut rather than a nomad, says Paul Saffo, a trend-watcher in Silicon Valley.
打个恰当的比方,那些带着便携,但是操作不便设备的人,就像是宇航员而非游牧人。 保罗萨佛罗(Paul Saffo),某硅谷趋势观察家这样认为。
I had arrived at sunset the previous evening, after being driven along a series of rocky mountainous paths by Altair, a nomad by birth and now a businessman living in Tuva's capital, Kyzyl.
Because the digital nomad lifestyle is the best way to improve the quality of both your work and your life.
Once or twice under the foothills I glimpsed the mound of a kurgan, broken open like the lips of a volcano – the burial-place of a tribal chief, perhaps, or the milestone of some lost nomad advance.
He thought of calling his cafe the "Gypsy Spirit Mission", which also captures the theme of mobility, but settled for the simpler Nomad.
A nomad when she walked in through its fence, in the moment of settling into its impoverished community she became something else instead: part of the burgeoning class of pastoral dropouts.
The aircraft is also projected to strengthen the national fleet according to the navy operational needs to protect Indonesian ocean zone and to replace the old Nomad aircraft.
On October 12 two sick children arrived at the hospital in a vehicle from a nomad encampment.
Today's guest post comes to us from Kirsty Henderson of Nerdy Nomad and the author of the Underground Guide to International Volunteering.
Pic.19 A Rajasthani nomad girl reacts to the camera as others walk along with their donkeys on a street at Badshapur In the northern Indian state of Haryana January 31, 2010. (REUTERS/Adnan Abidi)
图19 2010年1月31日,印度北部哈里亚纳邦的Badshapur,当其他人牵着驴子走过街道时,一名拉基斯坦部落女孩对着相机做表情动作。
Pic.19 A Rajasthani nomad girl reacts to the camera as others walk along with their donkeys on a street at Badshapur In the northern Indian state of Haryana January 31, 2010. (REUTERS/Adnan Abidi)
图19 2010年1月31日,印度北部哈里亚纳邦的Badshapur,当其他人牵着驴子走过街道时,一名拉基斯坦部落女孩对着相机做表情动作。