The nonlinear dynamic analysis to SDOF function of the back-rest system can be benefit for engineering design and improvement of weaving technology.
The foregoing provides a basis for the selection of oil-film force model during the nonlinear dynamic analysis and design of an actual rotating mechanical rotor-elliptic bearing system.
This supply the helpful theoretical tools for nonlinear dynamic analysis and design of rotor-elliptic bearing systems in rotating machines.
The time-stepping FEM model for the dynamic analysis of power system is established considering the nonlinear characteristics of internal generators and typology structures of external circuit.
The nonlinear dynamic and static analysis of rectangular plates with four free edges on elastic foundation is a rather complicated problem in the theory of plates.
The time domain nonlinear dynamic analysis of a steel catenary riser was introduced for fatigue life prediction.
Our research group has compiled the computer programs of nonlinear dynamic response analysis since 1998 in order to make these verifications possible.
为了给进行这类验证创造必要的前提条件,本学科点自1998 年起开始非线性动力反应分析软件系统的编制。
Some common nonlinear dynamic parameters are introduced, then on the basis of the characteristics of the biological experimental data, the newly developed analysis methods are illustrated.
Dynamic mathematical model of ball mill pulverizing system with storage bunker is obtained by mechanism analysis, this model demonstrates the nonlinear and strong coupling feature of ball mill system.
The nonlinear dynamic response of an articulated loading tower under the action of random sea waves is carried out by means of nonlinear spectral analysis.
The method can avoid the nonlinear dynamic time-history analysis, and can get more seismic information on structures comparing with the latter.
This is an introduction to the dynamic response time-history analysis technology for nonlinear mechanical systems with multi-degrees of freedom.
By using the method of nonlinear time series analysis and taking the Chinese language cognition as an example, the dynamic characteristics of language cognition system are discussed.
The problem of stability in the numerical integration schemes of nonlinear dynamic analysis of structures is discussed by using matrix and norm theory on a rigorous and complete basis in this paper.
It propose nonlinear dynamic analyzing model calculation method of the motor in the use of nonlinear magnetic path analysis and finite element calculation.
To the dynamic stability of the K8 single layer latticed shell structures under the seismic loads, this paper carried out the dynamic stability analysis based on the nonlinear finite element theory.
Through a rational derivation, nonlinear mathematical model of electro-hydraulic position control system is built up. The system dynamic and stability analysis is obtained with the use of the model.
Comparing with frequency domain dynamic analysis, it's better and more accurate to solve the strong nonlinear problems of SCR in time domain.
This is very helpful to choose suitable nonlinear oil film force model in the dynamic analysis for rotor-bearing systems.
A kind of nonlinear PI controller is presented in this paper. The theory analysis and experiment result prove that the nPI can improve static and dynamic characteristics of control system obviously.
Slowly parameter, nonlinear time response analysis and energy approach can be used to obtain the dynamic behavior of lead rubber bearing (LRB).
利用慢变参数、时程分析和能量分析方法,探讨了铅芯橡胶减震支座(LRB) 的非线性动力性态。
The effectiveness of the nonlinear dynamic method is confirmed by the practical analysis.
A geometric nonlinear dynamic analysis of beam is presented and the importance of interaction of shearing and axial forces in nonlinear dynamic analysis is investigated.
D assembly FE modeling and dynamic elastoplastic analysis are carried out for the obturator structure of a floating gun breech mechanism by using nonlinear finite element code MSC MARC.
利用大型非线性有限元MARC ,对某自动迫击炮浮动炮闩闭气结构,进行了三维装配体有限元建模和动态弹塑性分析,获得了关键闭气构件的应力、塑性应变和变形的动态响应。
On the basis of the modal analysis, the nonlinear finite element is used to analyze the dynamic response of suspension pipe bridge to cross wind excitation.
Using the local nonlinear property of the isolated structure, the computational efficiency of nonlinear time history analysis of the isolated structure is close to that of linear dynamic analysis.
It explores the means and methods of the composite structure for nonlinear dynamic elastoplastic analysis.
Using the well-known weighted residual method and finite element procedure, a nonlinear static analysis parallel with effective stress dynamic analysis has been made.
The analysis also shows that the nonlinear terms in the dynamic system equations cause the stochastic state to jump so that the circuit state can reach compatibility with the constraint equations.
The analysis also shows that the nonlinear terms in the dynamic system equations cause the stochastic state to jump so that the circuit state can reach compatibility with the constraint equations.