As a stronghold to the Northeast Asia Russia, South and toward the Pacific coast in expansion.
The structure of the Northeast Asia International System has great impact on the units and the system itself.
Energy cooperation between the Northeast Asia area is the profitable target for the multiplication of energy recourses.
If, there is a region with the largest number of common history and cultural memory in the world, then it is the Northeast Asia.
The second chapter discusses the situation of the Northeast Asia in the mid-seventh century and li Jinxing's life experience.
The maintenance of peace and stability in the Northeast Asia region conforms to the common interests of all the parties concerned.
Four-part cent, to the core of the economic cooperation in the northeast Asia region —Tumen River's international cooperation development was carry on .
She always carries a black cotton bag on her shoulder, even on her travels to Japan where she attended the Northeast Asia Youth Environmental Conference.
Although the regionalism has become an important trend among international communities after the Cold War, it still remains an unfulfilled promise in the Northeast Asia.
In 1991, Dr Raby established in DFAT the Northeast Asia Analytical Unit which subsequently became the east Asia Analytical Unit. He was head of the Unit from 1991 to 1993.
This article observes the Northeast Asia situation from the perspective of Game Theory and analyzes the alternation of Northeast Asia situation and the policies adopted by Northeast Asian nations.
We hope relevant parties be jointly committed to safeguarding peace and stability on the Peninsula and in Northeast Asia.
No matter in past, present or future, China's position to safeguard peace and stability on the Peninsula and in Northeast Asia will remain resolute.
We will make continued efforts to encourage all parties to work together to maintain peace and stability on the Peninsula and in Northeast Asia.
Of course, the objective reality of Europe is not the same as that of Northeast Asia, but Europe's experience in this regard should be sincerely borrowed from.
Richard Jerram, Macquarie Group's chief economist in Asia, said the entire northeast region accounts for about 8% of Japanese GDP, while the single Kobe City accounts for 4%.
Richard Jerram , Macquarie Group's chief economist in Asia, said the entire northeast region accounts for about 8% of Japanese GDP, while the single Kobe City accounts for 4%.
Northeast Asia is the world's Northeast Asia, but it is Northeast Asian’s at first.
Both sides believe that it is crucial to maintain peace and stability on the Peninsula and in Northeast Asia.
He stressed that such a commitment, which helps maintain peace on the Korean Peninsula and in Northeast Asia as a whole, is in the interest of all the parties concerned, including the DPRK.
However many also tout Japan as being the best country for snow, due to its mountainous elevation and proximity to cold air from northeast Asia.
The largest sub-region in Asia Pacific, Northeast Asia, registered the smallest rate of decline at 5.2 percent, but lost more than five million international arrivals in volume terms.
The largest sub-region in Asia Pacific, Northeast Asia, registered the smallest rate of decline at 5.2 percent, but lost more than five million international arrivals in volume terms.