Figure 1 illustrates how the Observer pattern works.
Figure 5: Structural elements in the Observer pattern.
A unique use of the Observer pattern is to implement it using web services.
Observer : SPL suggests a standard way of implementing the observer pattern.
This style is similar to the Observer pattern in that it promotes a publish-subscribe way of working.
Figure 6 is a UML sequence diagram showing how the structural elements within the Observer pattern collaborate.
图6是一个UM l序列图,显示这个Observer模式中的结构元素是如何协作的。
It is the Observer pattern on top of the base web services infrastructure that gives DEBA its callback capability.
AspectJ in Action (Ramnivas Laddad, Manning 2003) : Discusses policy enforcement using aspects and the Observer pattern.
AspectJinAction (RamnivasLaddad,Manning 2003年):讨论了使用方面和观察者模式的策略实施。
DEBA for web services benefits from the decoupled nature of web services and the asynchronous nature of the Observer pattern.
The Swing framework makes extensive use of the Observer pattern (also known as the publish-subscribe pattern) in the form of event listeners.
The Reactor pattern is closely related to the Observer pattern in this aspect: all dependents are informed when a single subject changes.
反应器模式与观察者模式(Observer pattern)在这个方面极为相似:当一个主体发生改变时,所有依属体都得到通知。
The point here is not to demonstrate the Observer pattern, but rather to show how architectural experience can be captured and communicated.
The Observer pattern is associated with a single source of events, however, whereas the Reactor pattern is associated with multiple sources of events.
AWT and Swing components, such as JButton or JTable, use the Observer pattern to decouple the generation of GUI events from their semantics within a given application.
Table 1 shows the correspondence between the Observer pattern, the standard web services model, and the Observer pattern's implementation in the DEBA framework classes.
You can also represent the pattern solution visually, in terms of both structure and behavior. Figure 5 is a UML class diagram showing the participants in the Observer pattern.
您还可以按照结构和行为两方面从视觉上来展示模式图5是一个UML类图标,表示Observer 模式的参与者。
The central engine communicates with the execute engine as the Observer pattern works. Implements the asynchronous characteristic by using JMX Notification Model and JMX Timer Service.
Observer was the key pattern for handling notification of events within the architecture.
The Observer design pattern allows interested parties to be notified of changes.
The complexity in SAX comes from the Observer design pattern it implements.
Hence, by implementing the observer callback pattern using web services, we provide a new mechanism for an asynchronous architecture over a synchronous infrastructure.
On the one hand, the observer may remain casual and participate in the seeming simplicity of the benefits of the applied pattern.
In application architecture, a common technique for reducing coupling between components that must communicate with each other is to use a design pattern called the Observer.
As we have seen, the Model-View relationship is an indirect one based on the Observer design pattern.
Events follow the Observer or Publish-Subscribe design pattern; they are used when a state change in one object must be communicated to other objects.
Methods: to detect peripheral blood t lymphocyte adn in the patients with liver failure treated with MARS and the normal control by flow cytometer, observer the regular pattern was observed.
Methods: to detect peripheral blood t lymphocyte adn in the patients with liver failure treated with MARS and the normal control by flow cytometer, observer the regular pattern was observed.