The streets, the walls and the oil drum "cookers" were caked in layers of filth and grime, and from time to time, great wafts of odour, like rotten eggs, would roll over everything.
The oil drum, the drum cover, the inflating pump, a main body of the spray gun and the liquid conveying pipe are made of plastics and a spray nozzle of the spray gun is made of metal materials.
Finally there are mechanical skimmers - ideal for retrieving heavy oils - which use metal tooth discs, grab buckets and drum separators to remove the oil then pump it into a tank.
Later he told his parents that he had been a dockworker who had fallen asleep in the hold of a ship when a heavy oil drum fell on him and killed him instantly.
The dark structure: great drum of used oil, the high corrosion resistance of domestic and imported wood meticulously produced, excellent anti-corrosion properties of insulation.
Blow - molding different capacities of the medicine bottle, beverage bottle, mineral spring water bottle, health products bottle, the cosmetics bottle, peanut oil drum, etc.
Manual oil drum van design novel, the structure tight, dexterous is flexible, is suitable department barrel handling and so on the fuel depot.
The invention relates to a re-pressing type liquid feeder, which consists of an oil drum, a drum cover, an inflating pump, a spray gun and a liquid conveying pipe.
The invention relates to a re-pressing type liquid feeder, which consists of an oil drum, a drum cover, an inflating pump, a spray gun and a liquid conveying pipe.