The older generation tend to put up resistance to new things created by the younger generation.
The greatest gap, however, is between the Net-generation, familiar with personal computers and the Internet, and the older generation, accustomed to an industrial society.
Reluctant to accept the teachings of the older generation.
The older generation was tired of fighting, and young people couldn't be bothered.
They may see it as a rejection of the oppressive attitudes of the older generation.
My acquaintance from the older generation, Mr N, had just come to mine for a chat.
"The older generation, it's not their culture," he said. "There is a resistance to it."
This may all be a moral panic, a severe case of the older generation wagging its finger at the young.
Hayley McCrea: If the younger generation will have an easier time multitasking than the older generation?
Under the influence of the older generation, young Chinese now also share the same feeling towards Albania.
In young eyes, the older generation people always prefer the old look and old concepts to restrain their children.
And more specifically, if the brain is going to be wired differently for the younger generation than the older generation?
Thee possibility of recording the old ways of life and the world of the spirits appealed especiallyto the older generation.
In "Our Children Will Hate Us", two French authors deplored the debt that the older generation has piled up for its offspring.
I have studied a number of well-off family history and found that they cross-generation, or the older generation is well-off.
Apart from basic routines when studying or working in a society, more mental tutoring can be provided by the older generation.
According to the research, those aged between 18 and 34 are three times more likely to have a cold or flu than the older generation.
As a community, I believe we should all work together to help the older generation learn the concepts and advantages of the internet.
As a community, I believe we should all work together to help the older generation learn the concepts and advantages of the Internet.
The younger generation will soon become the older generation, and now's a good time to cultivate some loyalty and awareness of a community.
Translation: We should keep in mind these days when scientists of the older generation successfully developed the atomic and hydrogen bombs.
The older generation is also more likely to take a healthy amount of exercise, with 12 per cent spending at least 30 minutes doing so each day.
In contrast, the older generation detest bigger jobs the most, including ironing (27%), cleaning Windows (19%) and defrosting the freezer (17%).
In India, a new couple usually resides with the family of the groom and it is the older generation that represents Ms. Jadhav's biggest challenge.
While the older generation clearly preferred to slicken meetings with the traditional liquor, the younger clients cringed at the suggestion of it.
Zhang Qiyun (1901-1985) , as a famous geographer and educator for a long time , have won a high reputation among geographers of the older generation.
Zhang Qiyun (1901-1985) , as a famous geographer and educator for a long time , have won a high reputation among geographers of the older generation.