The young lady was Mercy Chant, the only daughter of his father's neighbor and friend.
Nancy Walker Bush Ellis (born 1926), Prescott Bush Sr. 's third child, and the only daughter.
With a young mother, he has traveled a lifetime, and ultimately was the only daughter of betrayal.
One of the girls Ichabod teaches Katrina who is the only daughter come from a rich family in Holand.
Before the incident, my father has already told me his plans for me on how he made me to be his next of kin as the only daughter.
The young lady was Miss Mercy Chant, the only daughter of his father's neighbour and friend, whom it was his parents quiet hope that he might wed some day.
One ran to put his horse away, another helped him off with his fur coat and hung it up, and Josephine, the youngest child and the only daughter, quickly set another place under her mother's direction.
Elsie's husband died, and then her son and daughter left to find work in bigger towns, leaving Elsie the only person in the town.
It seemed like only yesterday when we were young and just beginning. Now our daughter was almost out of college and the White House years were almost over.
She doesn't admit to deliberately starving the girl but only shrugs her own thin shoulders when asked why her daughter is so sick.
Television programs, movies, music videos, Web sites, magazines and even some children's toys may send your daughter the message that only a certain body type is acceptable.
When Jephthah returned to his home in Mizpah, who should come out to meet him but his daughter, dancing to the sound of tambourines! She was an only child.
I bemoaned that, as I gazed on the feeble orphan; and I mentally abused old Linton for (what was only natural partiality) the securing his estate to his own daughter, instead of his son's.
At 17, Daughter Sophie sprang her surprise engagement on him, and Freud only inquired with middle-class prudence about the young man's financial condition.
Not only was Hurst worried about her own prognosis, but she was afraid of her daughter Ellie's reaction to the news.
Even when she writes about the hard drama of her own life, such as the sudden death of her husband followed by the death of her only daughter, her stories manage to be larger than her own grief.
I had rather cut God out of my life, and I didn't have the nerve at the time to ask Him to make my daughter well -i only asked Him to help me understand, to let me come in and reach Him.
The family’s school record is also poor: only a 14-year-old daughter has ever attended one.
The family's school record is also poor: only a 14-year-old daughter has ever attended one.
He claims he realised something was seriously wrong only on 1 April, when his daughter failed to return home for the new school term.
But if you have only one or two children, the birth of a daughter may be at a son's expense.
The source of this idea is not only Sigmund Freud but his youngest daughter Anna.
The father saw the blood and questioned his daughter. After learning the truth he ran to the garbage can only to find the baby was already dead.
And as he looked at the unpractised mouth and lips, he thought that such a daughter of the soil could only have caught up the sentiment by rote.
And as he looked at the unpractised mouth and lips, he thought that such a daughter of the soil could only have caught up the sentiment by rote.