Woe to her that is filthy and polluted, to the oppressing city!
However, they also had their negative aspects, that is, their struggle, being not fierce and complete, easily surrendered before the oppressing forces.
The regime is accused of oppressing religious minorities.
This is not about men oppressing women - maybe the reverse. The situation is good for women.
When you go into battle in your own land against an enemy who is oppressing you, sound a blast on the trumpets. Then you will be remembered by the Lord your God and rescued from your enemies.
Then Jehoahaz sought the Lord 's favor, and the Lord listened to him, for he saw how severely the king of Aram was oppressing Israel.
By believing them, you hand your creativity and motivation directly to the force you think is oppressing you.
It lowers prices by, in the main, oppressing the producer and fooling us.
What keeps you in the crowds, oppressing your eager for success?
Built in the city of Kawaguchi, Japan, the site over time had changed into a funeral hall and parking lot, oppressing the appearance of the main temple building.
Helplessness is due the limit and restriction of life itself oppressing the activity of life without reason.
Methods: 15 patients with postpartum hemorrhage after cesarean section were enrolled in the study, treated by intrauterine waterbag oppressing technique.
The image of a human empire oppressing the rest of nature is on metaphor. It is an actual pattern of imperial conquest, plunder, eventual exhaustion and collapse.
Reproduction of labor force becomes the root cause for oppressing the women and home is the main site for gender oppression.
It was widening that the shortcoming compared with the countryside and said to let you feel best are widening, does not have sense of oppressing of the city, and the air is very good, make you happy;
缺陷也是比照乡村来说 在乡村,让你觉得最好地就是坦荡,没城市地压榨感,并且空气很好,令你表情酣畅;
It was widening that the shortcoming compared with the countryside and said to let you feel best are widening, does not have sense of oppressing of the city, and the air is very good, make you happy;
缺陷也是比照乡村来说 在乡村,让你觉得最好地就是坦荡,没城市地压榨感,并且空气很好,令你表情酣畅;