Things usually go for 50% of the original price, unless it’s a rare or special item
But if we adhere to the original price, they will be included in our supplier blacklist.
After processing, it can be sold at 8, 000 yuan per ton, one third higher than the original price.
Mary:It's a special offer. The original price is 4, 500, but the current price is only 4, 100.
On rare collectibles, the recovery price and the resale price may be higher than the original price.
While the prices for Fuzhou-Jinan flights are only 350 yuan, around 70 percent off the original price.
And retailers are smart to show the original price alongside the sale price than show the sale price alone.
The original price is 300 Yuan, but since we are in a sales-promotion period, we can give you 10% off. That's 270 Yuan.
It is understood that one of the highest subsidies in this one line, price subsidies as high as 60% of the original price.
Discount is the seller of goods in accordance with the original price to the buyer to a certain percentage of the price reduction.
W: Oh, you must know the ones I mean. They were on sale, a real bargain. Reduced to a quarter of the original price. I couldn't believe my eyes when I saw them.
Please use carefully the public equipments in this district. If there is any damage artificially, you will compensate the Chamber according to the original price.
Where a party delays in delivering the subject matter, the original price applies if the price has increased, and the new price applies if the price has decreased.
People sell and buy the old things in secondary market where almost entirely new goods probably sell at half of the original price, so it is very popular among people.
Where a party delays in taking delivery or making payment, the new price applies if the price has increased, and the original price applies if the price has decreased.
Adding the cost of all the spare parts and the presents to the original price tag of the bike, and I could have purchased a decent, brand new bike - minus all the trouble.
As computer and it parts have fairly elastic demand the company can concentrate on giving small discounts from the original price and maximising the profit from large sale.
Secondary market is a place that people sell and buy the old things, in which some have eight almost new goods, but only sell half the original price, so it is very popular.
In case a cardholder has made multiple redemptions, card Centre reserves the right to debit the original price of the gift from the cardholder's account without prior notice.
Please use carefully the public facilities. If there is any artificial damage in the facilities, you will be required to compensate the Chamber according to the original price.
Delayed increase of cigarette prices also played a certain role as Philip Morris had to sell cigarettes with the higher excise tax at the original price for some time, said Kundratova.
If you're big on recycling, then check out eco Mama, which sells and buys second hand baby-related goods such as toys, buggies, car seats and cots, often for less than half the original price.
That has let American e-tailers such as Gilt Groupe, HauteLook and Rue La La, and their French rival, sell last season’s designer apparel for as much as 80% off the original price.
这使美国网上销售商如吉尔特集团(Gilt Groupe)[4]、HauteLook和Rue La La以及它们的法国竞争对手[5],都以原价80%的折扣出售上季的设计师服装。
For salesman, their right is the original price. For manager and director, 5% discount. so, it's hard to satisfy the customers. and meantime, making our company less competitive in the market.
They also thought the original price at 5 yuan [73 cents] for 14 cookies was too expensive, and the package was too big, so we repacked it in a smaller size at 2 yuan [29 cents] for seven cookies.
They also thought the original price at 5 yuan [73 cents] for 14 cookies was too expensive, and the package was too big, so we repacked it in a smaller size at 2 yuan [29 cents] for seven cookies.