The saga began in 1886, when John S. Pemberton developed the original recipe for Coke.
I discovered the original recipe from Ms. Martha Stewart (via her website) about two years ago.
By contrast, the Original Recipe items have between 110 and 370 calories and 7 to 21 grams of fat, depending on the piece.
The original recipe is rich, moist dark chocolate with cream-cheese icing, while the Beijing spin has a white-chocolate center.
The original recipe called for white rum, sugar and lime juice, but my favorite recipe is from the Floridita Bar in Havana called the Papa Doble: See the Hemingway Daiquiri.
The food served there may have many "British characteristics" but it will also bear more resemblance to the original recipe than an American "pizza" does to the real thing as you find it in Italy.
Only a few KFC executives know the second secret recipe and they have all signed confidentiality agreements to keep the recipe as secret as the Colonel's Original Recipe.
It seems the recipe of the original mince pies was brought back by the crusaders and has been evolving ever since.
The grilled chicken will cost the same as Original Recipe chicken. KFC will offer customers a free piece of grilled chicken on April 27.
Chefs in the US lean on flavors that American taste buds are attracted to, but by evolving the taste in this way, the original Chinese recipe is sometimes ignored.
Bakeries 6 crank out old-fashioned gingerbread the "Lebkuchen nurnberg," using the original 17th century recipe.
Get the original-recipe treat instead of the gritty, boring, low-fat food-like product sitting next to it.
KFC describes its closely guarded original fried chicken recipe as "one of the biggest trade secrets in the world."
The original Sling, a gin Sling, was in fact nothing more or less than a Collins, however the Savoy Cocktail Books 1930 recipe for a gin Sling omitted the lemon juice.
The native place has mass production of the pecan and has original secret recipe of making, thus the market advantages are obvious.
And, it will probably come as no surprise that the fibers infused with titanium or zinc or aluminum are much harder to break than Original Recipe silk.
The company says the original handwritten recipe is housed in a 770-pound safe encased in two feet of concrete and guarded by video cameras and motion detectors.
The native place has the largest lingonberry raw material base in the domestic industry and has original secret recipe of making, thus the market advantages are obvious.
The native place has the largest lingonberry raw material base in the domestic industry and has original secret recipe of making, thus the market advantages are obvious.