An ornithologist named Mark Anderson oversaw construction of the island in 2006 as a sanctuary for the birds.
Ian Carter, a co-author of the report and an ornithologist for Natural England, told the Guardian: "any time you add any kind of weight to a bird, it will have some kind of effect."
Matt Murphy, ornithologist for the Countryside Council for Wales said climate change was affecting the breeding patterns of pied flycatchers living in Welsh oak woodlands.
“People were pretty shell-shocked, ” said Karen Rowe, a senior ornithologist with the Arkansas Game and Fish Commission. “It was very disturbing.”
"People were pretty shell-shocked," said Karen Rowe, a senior ornithologist with the Arkansas Game and Fish Commission. "it was very disturbing."
"People were pretty shell-shocked," said Karen Rowe, a senior ornithologist with the Arkansas Game and Fish Commission. "it was very disturbing."