Art and artists could go closer to the public and to the other side of world.
Rather than meeting up and talking about what we want to post online, we just add to what someone—maybe a stranger on the other side of the world—already wrote.
Whatever our hobbies, the Internet can connect us with others who also enjoy doing them, even if they live on the other side of the world.
In some cases, they'll never see the machines because they are managing them from the other side of the world.
Others dream of using them as the basis of a novel communication system that would allow messages to be transmitted to the other side of the world without wires, cables or satellites.
Individuals are likely to have almost as many differences with people we consider to be "like us" as with strangers on the other side of the world.
The possible world of J2EE client solutions includes thin clients, fat clients, and other alternative client-side access technology.
We were sad to leave our fairytale lodge for the harshness of the ordinary world, where the other side of Russia confronted us all too suddenly.
One of them is because it gives you a chance to see a private, special side to another person that few other people in the world may ever get to see.
Eventually I want farmers to be able to take pictures with phones and send them to bee taxonomists on the other side of the world.
They are to be found in a piece of deregulation enacted decades ago on the other side of the world: America's Natural Gas Policy act of 1978.
Some business schools have built campuses on the other side of the world. INSEAD, a French school, has led the way.
Whether you are on the other side of the world or wandering your own neighbourhood, that the sights that have you reaching for your camera are fleeting photo opportunities.
At the ridiculous high end of the scale, however, is getting your cycling calories by piling up your plate with asparagus that has been flown by air from the other side of the world.
Let's remember that that's the problem here: there is a divide in this beautiful world of ours, with hedonistic cultural assassins on the one side and altruistic defenders of the good on the other.
Technically, it need not matter whether your data and programs are stored down the road or on the other side of the world; everything will look as if it is happening on the screen in front of you.
Almost six months on, the reverberations are being felt on the other side of the world.
On the other side of success is the unknown, and believe it or not, the unknown is often scarier than the known world of struggle and unfulfillment this side of success.
Nor has local food been shipped in from the other side of the country or the other side of the world, so the smaller number of "food miles" makes local food greener, too.
The site was aimed at the New York market, but they began to notice most of their traffic was coming from the other side of the world in Asia.
And one of the biggest lessons I've learned is that even though I'm on the other side of the world, perhaps I'm not really away from home at all.
He crossed the room to the Windows on the other side of the loft and saw the north tower of the World Trade Center in flames.
Three decades later, with more and more vital computer systems linked up to the Internet, could enemies use logic bombs to, say, turn off the electricity from the other side of the world?
Jump on in, tell your story and see how it connects with someone on the other side of the world. Here are some resources to get started.
With their help China can send its TV and radio programmes to the other side of the world.
SYDNEY, Australia — On the other side of the world from you, we are living in two time zones.
And this ties you intimately to lives on the other side of the world.
Greener on the other side presents a caleidoscopic image of life on the other side of the world: How do these Western artists see the world?
Greener on the other side presents a caleidoscopic image of life on the other side of the world: How do these Western artists see the world?