The overwhelming majority of small businesses go broke within the first twenty-four months.
DIY provided just such opportunities for the overwhelming majority of our informants.
Among the millions with hourly earnings at or below the minimum wage level, the overwhelming majority are from multiple-earner, relatively affluent families.
The overwhelming majority were concerned foremost with how to passthe test.
In both these systems, the overwhelming majority of the population is equal and powerless.
I stressed that the overwhelming majority of patients recovered fully without any medical care.
Numerous studies have now shown that the overwhelming majority of colds are "caught" by hand contact.
The overwhelming majority of cases will experience mild symptoms followed by rapid and full recovery.
The overwhelming majority of files will be written using 1.0, but a very small number will be 1.1 files.
大部分的文件使用版本 1.0编写,但也有少量的版本 1.1 的文件。
In the overwhelming majority of cases, the bankruptcy laws and contractual agreements serve this function well.
Now, the overwhelming majority of the rise in consumer indebtedness during the boom came from mortgage borrowing.
And even so, the overwhelming majority of people actually do not learn more from listening than they do from doing.
The U.S. provides the overwhelming majority of the cash currently flowing into training and mentoring programs.
If you're like the overwhelming majority of Americans, every meal you eat includes a hefty helping of sizzling, savory meat.
Then there are the state-owned firms in oil-soaked countries. These companies control the overwhelming majority of the world’s oil.
While this approach will work with the overwhelming majority of people, there are some that just won’t own up to their responsibilities.
尽管这种方法对绝大多数人都有效,但是还有些人就是不愿承担自己的责任。 如果你真的碰到这样的人,就要把话说明白,但也只能到实在没别的办法时才能这样做。
The overwhelming majority of those animals - cows, pigs, chickens, turkeys, lambs - are raised in hideous, overcrowded factory conditions.
The overwhelming majority (more than 95%) of measles deaths occur in countries with low per capita incomes and weak health infrastructures.
The overwhelming majority of cases continue to experience mild illness and recover fully within a week, even without any medical treatment.
To explain this approach, they often quote statistics about how the overwhelming majority of job creation comes from these enterprises.
The overwhelming majority of cases continue to experience mild symptoms and recover fully within a week, even without any medical treatment.
But for the most part, OS installation is a mundane and sometimes irritating process that the overwhelming majority of end users prefer to avoid.
The overwhelming majority of people who visit them come to see the exhibits, but the building has to be built in a way that preserves the records.
The overwhelming majority of people who visit them come to see the exhibits, but the building has to be built in a way that preserves the records.