An animated line moves with the page turn to make it easier to keep track of your location in the text.
But the page turn moment still features a bizarre, black-white-black flashing sequence — a nonnegotiable characteristic of E Ink.
As for scrolling through books, a transparent bar at the bottom of the page now allows you to turn pages by just clicking the page turn button.
As the most important things are put on the front page, it's easy to find out what you're interested in and then turn to the page to read it completely.
Turn over the page of the calendar.
"I was turning the page to get ready for the next page, but the draft wind from the turn caused the spare pages to fall off the stand," Mr. Titterton said, "Luckily I was able to catch them and put them back."
When good students turn in an essay, they dream of their instructor returning it to them in exactly the same condition, save for a single word added in the margin of the final page: "Flawless."
The first part about Origen, if you brought your readings turn to the part about Origin like around page 56.
Right, there’s no exact answer to what’s a useful page —and so in turn, there’s no one exact answer to who has the "most" of them collected.
All right, so that will now allow you to turn the page, I think, and we can take a look at the probability.
There are some passages in Areopagitica that I would be remiss to overlook, so I'm going to ask you to turn to page 739 in the Hughes.
Directory reading causes XM to create an XML document with the list of files and then use an XSLT style sheet to turn it in the proper Web page.
目录读取促使XM创建一个带文件列表的XML文档,然后使用xslt样式表将该X ML文档转换成正确的web页面。
To test the registration field part of the plug-in, you must log in to WordPress as the administrative user and turn on the feature that allows users to register on the Settings page.
I load the handle_cached_user function when the page loads, which in turn shows or hides the right bits. Now, I can safely enable page caching by adding the following to my controller.
The diplomats now hope to turn the page on what one admits “has not been our finest hour”.
In the time before we are so powerless, the only left on just the eye springs, and we have no regrets of the oath, I hope day after day, year after year, when I re-turn to this page, people still.
When the user submits input on the web page (Figure 34), this allocates a connection from the connection pool and drives the IO, which in turn drives the macro and the host application.
Adding a page provides content, but adding a link provide the organization, structure and endorsement to information on the Web which turn the content as a whole into something of great value.
Note, however, that inlining significantly increases the row size on your data pages. This in turn decreases the number of rows per page.
The tiny joystick has been replaced by cellphone-like four-way control buttons, and the page-turn Forward and Back buttons, which flank both edges, are silent now, for the benefit of sleeping spouses.
Yet publishers hope that tablets will turn out to be the 21st-century equivalent of the printed page, offering them compelling new ways to present their content and to charge for it.
It's now a simple matter to iterate over this array, retrieve the details of each entry using object properties, and turn it into an HTML page.
Please keep sharing this page and help the Rebellion convince Volkswagen to turn away from the Dark Side.
This is the ultimate list of free tools to turn any static web page into an XML RSS feed.
Turn Off the Lights: Fades the page to improve the video-watching experience.
(关灯服务): 此扩展可使界面其他地方淡出,从而提供你观赏视频的质量和体验。
The net result is that as a visitor navigates a web application constructed with JQM, the DOM of the page is manipulated rather than each page being replaced at every turn.
The technology aims to turn Web browsers into semi-rich clients by projecting user interface logic for page rendering, navigation, aggregation, and cross-portlet interaction into user's browsers.
The technology aims to turn Web browsers into semi-rich clients by projecting user interface logic for page rendering, navigation, aggregation, and cross-portlet interaction into user's browsers.