If protect the patentee overtly, the public would be harmed.
After the application is approved, the entity shall be the patentee.
After the application is approved, the entity shall be the patentee.
Where the patentee abandons his or its patent right by a written declaration.
The patentee shall pay an annual fee beginning with the year in which the patent right was granted.
After the application is approved, the entity or individual that applied for it shall be the patentee.
However, the damage caused to other persons in bad faith on the part of the patentee shall be compensated.
The abuse of patent right means the patentee abuses his advantage of patent right and damages valid competition.
Patent right is an exclusive right for the patentee granted by state to use his invention within a certain period.
In addition, the compensation amount shall include the reasonable expenses that the patentee has paid for stopping the infringement.
The patent invalidation system involves different interests, including the patentee, the licensee, the infringer, the public, and so on.
Finally, this thesis states that human genetic resources provider is neither the patentee nor the joint inventor pursuant to the patent law.
The standard to cognizance that the patent right was trenched is directly connected to the balance of the interest both for the patentee and the public.
The patentee has the right to affix a patent marking and to indicate the number of the patent on the patented product or on the packing of that product.
The patentee has the right to affix a patent marking and to indicate the number of the patent on the patented product or on the packing of that product.
The patent Law provided that the patentee and interested party could request the administrative authority for patent affairs to handle the infringing act.
The patentee should make known to its legal advisers any concerns it has about the validity of its patent (s), for example, identifying any close prior art.
It is further to be observed in this case that the patentee does show a drawing illustrating, as he says, one construction of the ash-tray by way of example.
Article l5. The patentee has the right to affix a patent marking and to indicate the number of the patent on the patented product or on the packing of that product.
The principle of prohibiting patent abuse is the regulation of patent abuse which prohibits the patentee implementing his patent right when he abuses his patent right.
In other words, the patentee does not tell the world within what limits the relative proportions of the integers he has mentioned must be kept to produce the desired result.
For example, 20% sale price of every mobile telephone, 30% sale price of every computer, 20-40% sale price of every numerical control machine tool must be given to the patentee.
如每部国产手机售价的20%,计算机售价的30%,数控机床售价的20- 40%都要付给国外专利持有者。
The patent reexamination Board shall, after reexamination, make a decision and notify the applicant, the patentee or the person who made the request for revocation of the patent right.
Generally, this right to exclude all others from exploiting the patented product operates to invest the patentee with a monopolistic franchise to make, use, or sell the patented invention.
Generally, this right to exclude all others from exploiting the patented product operates to invest the patentee with a monopolistic franchise to make, use, or sell the patented invention.