She helps doctors look after the patients in hospital.
Many patients also gained a better understanding of the illnesses that landed them in the hospital in the first place.
Only by increasing the number of doctors by 50 percent can the patients be treated properly in this hospital.
Looking after the patients in the hospital day and night, you never gave up until the sick got well.
Now at the age of 84, Zhong still treats patients in the hospital and teaches young doctors.
The nurses in the hospital take good care of their patients.
A trial project by the Montreal Children's Hospital suggested that the use of medical hypnosis can reduce pain and anxiety in patients.
According to hospital records, no patients in the ward where she worked showed signs of influenza-like illness while hospitalized.
Superior canal plugging is a procedure that usually takes about four hours and requires patients to be in the hospital for a couple of days.
Mary's hospital in Reno said it had accepted 25 patients Friday evening from the accident. A spokeswoman for the hospital did not release the conditions of the patients.
The patients placed in the intensive care unit, who comprised 5% of the total, took up 75% of the overall treatment cost for all self-poisoned patients at the general hospital.
Many times we have to refer patients to other hospitals, which is a cost to the hospital and puts the lives of the patients in danger.
While distractions, such as music, are known to reduce pain in hospital patients, Prof DE Tommaso says this is the first result to show that beauty plays a part.
It is planning to release a deluge of data on matters ranging from school exams to the time spent in hospital by patients recovering from surgery.
In some cases, patients regularly exposed to hospital humor also leave the hospital earlier than they would normally be expected to.
But at the Johns Hopkins University Hospital in Baltimore, about ten patients a week are being screened as part of a trial to see if actively looking for cysts can cut the death toll.
Doctors in public hospitals are salaried whilst those in private hospitals are paid on a fee-for-service basis. Some public hospital doctors are allowed to treat private patients in the hospital.
A continuing-education provision might have prevented the over-radiation of 76 patients at a hospital in Missouri - a state that does not regulate its radiological workers.
The Imperial study is far bigger, scrutinising data from nearly 300,000 patients in 175 hospital trusts between 2000 and 2008.
Opened in 2006, the hospital now CARES for 6,000 patients, who pass through its chain of tests and treatments in a single visit.
Opened in 2006, the hospital now CARES for 6, 000 patients, who pass through its chain of tests and treatments in a single visit.
The trial involved 16 patients at Addenbrooke's Hospital in Cambridge and the University Hospital of Liege in Belgium.
Patients were being treated in the hospital corridors because the wards were exposed to heavy shelling and gunfire, Fakhr said.
Of the six patients in his first ambulance run, two died on the way to St. Vincent's Hospital.
No hospital staff involved in the care of patients, in some instances without adequate personal protective equipment, have developed the disease.
He closed down two-thirds of the hospital, cut the number of ambulances in half and told his elderly patients they should walk to hospital because it was good for them.
"When I went to the hospital on the first day, patients with dementia, and the smell in the wards scared me," recalled Ma.
While the patients were still in the hospital, they completed surveys on their perceived stress levels and smoking habits.
Many of the patients fled after the attack and staff in the hospital said shells continued to fall around the perimeter.
Most patients stay in the hospital the night of surgery and may require additional days in the hospital.