Ethiopia has almost the lowest oil consumption per capita in the world.
Yet China's consumption still is lower than in developed economies, at 10.5 kilograms per capita per year, compared to up to 13.1 kilograms per capita in the developed world.
It is no accident that the countries with the highest per-capita incomes are also the ones with the highest rates of energy consumption.
This takes into account the growth of America’s population and assumes that per-capita energy consumption could drop by 50 percent.
Indian experts, citing data from here and from the United States, say American per capita food consumption is three to five times that of Indians.
Yet whereas Europe’s beer and spirits markets are in the doldrums, per-capita consumption of spirits in America is increasing, especially among young consumers.
Yet whereas Europe's beer and spirits markets are in the doldrums, per-capita consumption of spirits in America is increasing, especially among young consumers.
"There is more room for further growth in Asia down the line because Asians' per capita consumption is relatively small," the Kirin report said.
By the 1920s annual per capita consumption of cigarettes in the United States approached one thousand, and advertisers began targeting women.
But China's per capita oil consumption is only one-thirteenth of the U.S. — in other words, there's a lot of room to grow.
I think his calculation on the total demand for grain in China, which was based on the per-capita grain consumption of 400 kilograms, is correct.
我认为他根据人均粮食消费 400公斤而对中国粮食总需求所作出的统计是正确的。
For now, Africa has the lowest per capita energy use of any continent and makes up only 3 percent of global energy consumption.
But the last 20 years have seen meat consumption per capita plateau in developed countries around the world, according to research from the National Institutes of Health.
Average annual per capita consumption of electricity in India was only about 30 percent of the world's average in 2007 and 2008.
So per-capita consumption — the amount of money the average person spends — is only about $2, 500 a year.
The fishing company that owns Japan's whaling ships estimated that annual per capita consumption from their catch might amount to less than four slices of sashimi a year.
The fishing company that owns Japan's whaling ships estimated that annual per capita consumption from its catch might amount to less than four slices of sashimi a year.
For four decades, until the mid-1980s, per-capita cigarette consumption was higher in the United States (particularly among women) than anywhere else in the developed world.
"When you correlate the two - the chocolate consumption with the number of Nobel prize laureates per capita - there is an incredibly close relationship," he says.
The forecasting results showed that the consumption of live swine per capita will decline and that of frozen pork rise.
The moral dilemmas thrown up by calculating per capita consumption are not confined to food. They apply just as acutely to global warming.
After the Dutch, Scandinavians have the highest coffee consumption per capita in the world.
The rising per capita income, high savings rate and the increasing affluence of an expanding, young, educated middle class will continue to drive domestic consumption.
U. S. statistics show that: after a divorce than divorce per capita resource consumption 42% -61% higher than before, so we use marriage and protect the planet it!
美国有统计表明:离婚之后的人均资源消耗量比离婚前高出42% - 61%,让我们用婚姻保护地球吧!
The level of Chinese tea consumption per capita is influenced obviously by per capita income.
Scandinavia has the largest consumption of coffee per capita in the world and a very long coffee drinking culture.
Global population growth and increasing per capita consumption have greatly accelerated the depletion of resources and the pollution of the planet.
Global population growth and increasing per capita consumption have greatly accelerated the depletion of resources and the pollution of the planet.