The second chapter is the personal pronoun in Jiaozhou Dialect.
Note: in the verb be, or to be after the personal pronouns depending on the preceding noun or pronoun may be.
注意:在动词be或to be后的人称代词视其前面的名词或代词而定。
Results showed that there was the possibility for autistic children to understand and use the personal pronoun;
The personal pronoun in structure has distinguishing functions and the role of substitution weakened, the proper noun.
The first appellation system in the Analects and Mencius includes two parts of the personal pronoun and noun appellation.
Further, the personal pronoun that frequently occurred was the first person plural and those personal pronouns that exhibited the highest frequency were found in the Finance abstracts.
Zibbi becomes distressed as he fruitlessly searches for words which might join his isolated personal pronoun and we stop the interview.
The sun, on account of the mist, had a curious sentient, personal look, demanding the masculine pronoun for its adequate expression.
Remark: Cases refer to the function of a personal pronoun in a sentence.
If today I use a singular personal pronoun to refer to myself, next week I will use the plural form.
Third, the criteria of judging whether the noun is a personal pronoun or a reflexive is also the issue of ordinary reference or reflexive reference.
In this paper, we discuss two important points in the preprocess of personal pronoun resolution in Chinese text: (1) recognition of antecedents (2) recognition of grammatical roles.
The chapter four analyses the limited facts of second personal pronoun in the two languages.
The chapter three is the homologous relations between second personal pronoun and structure int he two languages.
The second personal pronoun subject shows that speakers expect graduates to shoulder the responsibility willingly and this direct call can improve the involvement of graduates.
However, in practice, may variant usages about "we" are used. Often going beyond the grammar category the plural forms of the first personal pronoun, "we" has some special rhetoric meanings.
First personal pronoun subject indicates that commencement speakers incline to show their responsibility for the validity of their propositions which will enforce the credibility of their opinions.
The second personal pronoun "nin" in mandarin is originated from Beijing vernacular.
The second personal pronoun "nin" in mandarin is originated from Beijing vernacular.