The findings are also consistent with analyses by the Pew Center on Global Climate Change in Washington DC.
In the Pew Center on Global Climate Change's list of state energy-saving programs, Oregon has the second-most, behind only California.
"Even cutting emissions by 80 per cent over four decades has a very small effect on consumers in most areas," says Manik Roy of the Pew Center.
The Pew Center reported last month that when a sample of Americans were asked whether they thought that marriage was becoming obsolete, 39 percent agreed.
A new national poll by the Pew Center for the People and the Press found that independent voters who are likely to vote in the mid-term election favor Republicans.
Other prominent NGO members of USCAP include the Nature Conservancy, the Pew Center on Global Climate Change, the Natural Resources Defense Council and the World Resources Institute.
A new Pew Research Center analysis highlights the implications of these changes for the most basic element of their lives—where they call home.
As in past Pew Research Center surveys of library use, the April 2016 survey also measured Americans usage of and engagement with libraries.
The survey by the nonpartisan Pew Research Center found that 41 percent of respondents disapproved of Obama's handling of the Gates arrest, compared with 29 percent who approved.
A recent Pew Center survey found that barely a quarter of Americans believed news organizations generally got the facts right in a story.
Those were among the findings of a Pew Research Center survey of 2,691 people about family issues released last week.
WebWatcher cites data from the Pew Research Center that states some 75% of those aged 12-17 now own cell phones, and half of teens send over 50 messages per day.
A similar January 2011 Pew Research Center for the People and the Press poll showed that only 67 percent of respondents thought America was "the world's leading military power."
The Pew Hispanic Center estimates that about 8% of all children born in the US in 2008 have parents who are in the country illegally.
For this new report, the Pew Research Center conducted in-depth interviews with over 800 experts about what they think the Internet will look like in 2020.
A study by the Pew Research Center, in association with Time magazine, highlights rapidly changing notions of the American family.
Marriages between spouses of different races and ethnicities are more common than ever before, say authors of a report by the Pew Research Center.
The most educated women, those with bachelor's degrees or higher, are among the most likely never to have given birth, according to the Pew Research Center.
For this new report, the Pew Research Center conductedin-depth interviews with over 800 experts about what they think the Internetwill look like in 2020.
A Pew Research Center poll after the Japanese nuclear crisis found support for increased nuclear power melting down.
Pew Research Center poll after the Japanese nuclear crisis found support for increased nuclear power melting down.
A recent report from the Pew Research Center found that the earnings of US-born 30 - to 44-year old women grew 44 per cent between 1970 and 2007, compared with a rise of only 6 per cent for men.
The Pew Research Center in 2009 found that 38 percent of American 12-year-olds were using social networks.
Fifty-eight percent of those surveyed for the Pew Research Center poll said they favor having openly gay people serve in the military, while 27 percent were against it.
Fifty-eight percent of those surveyed for the Pew Research Center poll said they favor having openly gay people serve in the military, while 27 percent were against it.