The thing is, you need to be able to build on physical attraction in increasing amounts.
A group of 35 women then watched the "avatars" in action – without the music – so they could rate their dancing without being prejudiced by physical attraction.
The atmosphere created by physical and mental presence is as important as surface attraction, if not more so.
"The behavior of men and women does become more similar as women earn more, but only in terms of the importance of physical attraction," Moore added.
But for the most part, women will look past just about ANY physical issue if she feels that all-important emotion called ATTRACTION.
I don't believe in love at first sight although I do believe physical attraction is one of the core fundamentals of a good relationship.
There is significant variation to the level of physical self-worth of female college students of low intensity group and body attraction of female college students of moderate intensity group.
Physical attraction was the top priority for men in France, Brazil, Greece, Japan and Britain.
The strongest indicator of physical attraction is when someone's inner planets fall in the 7th house (especially the Sun).
Methods The anti-VEGF antibody was connected to the surface of liposome ultrasound contrast microbubbles by the electrostatic attraction way and its physical characteristics were detected.
Methods The anti-VEGF antibody was connected to the surface of liposome ultrasound contrast microbubbles by the electrostatic attraction way and its physical characteristics were detected.