Japan, which shows its love of nature in its reverence for trees and seasons, also knows the awesome power of the physical world-and fears it.
That led to her sad conclusion: in their online life, American teenagers were recreating what they knew from the physical world-separation by class and race.
According to a newly published study, cats seem to be able to predict the location of hiding prey using both their ears and an inborn understanding of how the physical world works.
The scientist is engaged in serious research to uncover the very nature of the physical world.
Some psychologists suggest that young children learn about more than just the physical world in this way.
Its presence in the development of our society has been so pervasive that we take for granted the rapid predictable assembly of the physical world.
If mathematics is the perception of this realm of pure ideas, then doing mathematics requires our brains to somehow reach beyond the physical world.
Forthough the former has also its laws, which of their own nature are invariable, it does not conform to them so exactly as the physical world.
So he goes along Galileo when it comes to the physical world.
The physical world intrudes in all sorts of messy ways.
BCI devices are used to control things in the physical world, such as a cursor on a screen, a wheelchair or even a prosthetic limb.
You see through your eyes the physical world and you also have the ability to see the spiritual world through your third eye.
At the surface, on the level of what can be seen and felt in the physical world, my coming created much commotion.
The physical world is made of stuff whose essence is pure extension but does that mean there no place for mind?
Shalloway sets up his message by discussing tools in the "physical world".
Whatever the number two is, it's something that our mind can grasp but isn't actually in the physical world.
In the physical world, for example, burglars can break through a locked door, but they leave evidence in doing so.
For more abstract statements that are further removed from the physical world, he points to the structure of our brains and our penchant for logic.
Ultimately, our aim should not be to assert the superiority of the physical world over the virtual, but to make them work together.
A physical system — a building, a bridge, a car, an aircraft, a ship, or a computer — exists in the physical world.
From the day we're born, we have personal experience in coping with the physical world.
This newspaper has always championed free trade, open markets and vigorous competition in the physical world.
This newspaper has always championed free trade, open markets and vigorous competition in the physical world. The same principles should be applied on the Internet as well.
To manage the complexity of online operations, the industry uses several terms and a standard methodology for breaking down the physical world into manageably sized chunks.
This newspaper has always championed free trade, open markets and vigorous competition in the physical world. The same principles should be applied on the Internet.
Clumsy and overwhelmed by the physical world, autistic minds are often far more comfortable with the virtual realms of maths, symbols and code.
That can't be the only reason; fascination with understanding the physical world and an emotional need to discover new things has to enter into it, too.
That led to her sad conclusion: in their online life, American teenagers were recreating what they knew from the physical world—separation by class and race.
That led to her sad conclusion: in their online life, American teenagers were recreating what they knew from the physical world—separation by class and race.