When the Internet sucks us in, we have less relaxed mode because the Internet keeps us in our minds, and we forget about the physical world around us.
This low-level vision is the part that enables us to recreate the three-dimensional organization of the physical world around us from the excitations that stimulate the retina.
'SixthSense' is a wearable gestural interface that augments the physical world around us with digital information and lets us use natural hand gestures to interact with that information.
They carry on in the physical world, in the material and cultural vestiges we leave, as well as in the psychological and social effects we have on those around us.
Enhancing communication in the new schools so that our language and education is relevant to the physical conditions of the world around us.
Enhancing communication in the new schools so that our language and education is relevant to the physical conditions of the world around us.